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Geochemical Landscapes

Pilot Studies - Upper Midwest Pilot Study

Subtask Contacts: William Cannon, Laurel Woodruff

Task Objectives

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Task Objectives

The objectives of this task are to carry out the sampling (modified) and analytical protocols recommended at the March 2003 Soil Geochemistry Workshop in a pilot study area in the Upper Midwest of the United States and possibly into southern Canada. The area would likely extend from the western shore of Lake Superior, across northern Minnesota, and into eastern North Dakota. This area is of interest because 1) The area spans a range of bedrock geology from Archean to Cretaceous. 2) The area included two contrasting glacial lobes. One consisting largely of crystalline rocks from the Canadian Shield and the other composed largely of Cretaceous sediments. 3) The area contains an exceptionally steep ecological gradient from northern mixed forest, through broadleaf forest, savannah, to prairie grassland. 4) The area contains a wide contrast in land use including virgin forest, industrial forest, agriculture, and mining (Mesabi Iron Range and proposed Cu-Ni mines in Duluth Complex). The results of the transect will be used to help develop the final protocols for the proposed soil geochemical survey of North America.

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