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Aerial Products Description Search/Order
National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP) Recent, high–quality aerial photos covering the conterminous U.S. on five– to seven–year cycles (1987 – present).




National High Altitude Photography (NHAP)

High–altitude aerial photos for the conterminous U.S. (1980 – 1989). EarthExplorer

Single Frame Records

Aerial photos from a variety of sources (1939 – present).

Photo Referance Mosaics

Aerial photos referenced as photo indexes from a variety of sources (1940`s – 1980`s).
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Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (DOQs)

Digital images of aerial photos which combine the image characteristics of the photo with the georeferenced qualities of a map (1987 – present).

High Resolution Orthoimagery

Recent (2002 – 2003) orthoimagery with a resolution of 0.3 meters to 0.75 meters for the major metropolitan areas and state capitals of the United States. As more areas are received, they will become available for distribution.
Seamless Data Distribution System (SDDS)
Space Acquired Photography  Photos taken from the International Space Station (ISS), Shuttle, Skylab, Gemini, and Apollo missions (1965 – present).


NASA Earth Sciences & Image Analysis (Shuttle and ISS)

United States Antarctic Resource Center (USARC)

A large collection of aerial photography over Antartica (1946 – present).

Aircraft Scanners

Digital imagery acquired from several multispectral scanners on board NASA ER–2, NASA C–130B, and NASA Learjet aircrafts (1982 – 1995).
EarthExplorer (Search Only)

EDC Image Gallery
A special collection of images that record events of historic significance,
beautiful sights or images that stir the imagination.
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