Wild Fire Training Information

NW Oregon Training Zone Agency Contacts (PDF)
NW Oregon Training Zone Year 2008 Course Offerings Table (XLS)
Download Format (ZIP)
2008 Course Descriptions (.doc)
Northwest Oregon Interagency Training Zone CHARTER
NW Oregon Zone Interagency Training Committee Bi-Annual Meeting Minutes


The Northwest Oregon Interagency Training Zone Committee is comprised of representatives from the agencies and organizations that have responsibility for the prescribed burning and wildland fire protection programs in the Northwest corner of Oregon. This land base encompasses 15 Counties, consisting of USFS, BLM, ODF, BIA, NAFT, F&W, and CRGNSA.

The goal of this committee is to meet the fire and fuels training needs of the participating members in the most cost effective manner possible.

The Northwest Interagency Training Zone Committee offers 100 – 200 level wildland courses to the member agencies that it represents. Other sources for these courses are community colleges and private instructors. The committee is willing to assist outside agencies, private parties, and volunteers in finding the course that suits their needs. Usually there is space available in the courses offered, but preference will be given to member agencies. If outside agencies would like to participate in the committee's activities, please call the chairperson.


All national, regional, and local training nominations must be submitted through your Zone Training Coordinators. All applicants will utilize the electronic NWCG nomination form. All requests must be submitted prior to the nomination deadline. If units nominate more than one person then nominees shall be prioritized. The NW Training Zone will try to accommodate all requests, although NW Zone members retain priority for selection.

Zone Training Coordinators

  • Roberta Runge – Salem BLM
  • Nancy Ashlock – Willamette NF / Eugene BLM
  • Karen Hale – Mt Hood NF
  • Jim Holroyd – Siuslaw NF
  • Darren Kennedy – Columbia Gorge NSA
  • Greg Hagedorn – Finley Refuge
  • Marc Crain – NAFT (NW Assoc of Fire Trainers - Structural Fire)
  • Jeff Nepstad – Grand Ronde Tribe
  • Ron F. Zilli – ODF - NW Oregon


A selected nominee list, including alternates, for each course will be available upon request to the unit coordinators. Selection letters with general course information and pre-work, if appropriate, will be sent to each selected candidate at least 2 weeks prior to each course.

Travel and Lodging

Attendees will be responsible for their own travel and lodging arrangements.