Volume 1 !ssue 1 Winter 2005

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In This Issue: ADF's Approach to Demand-Driven Development in Guinea

The ADF Approach in Guinea
Using participatory development methods to address the needs of Guinea's poorest citizens, create a strong sense of local ownership, and generate strong accountability for results

What They Are Saying About ADF's Guinea Program
Testimonials on the impact of ADF's participatory development methods in Guinea


A Grounded Approach to Rural Capacity Building
For nearly a decade, ADF has been helping rural communities in Guinea identify their most pressing development needs and create cost-effective responses

A School for Development in Bady
How one community's experiment with participatory development helped shape a national program for rural capacity building

Seven Steps for Generating Effective Participatory Development
Working with local communities, ADF's Guinea partner organization produced a seven-step model for participatory development that has become a model for social development programs across Guinea and in other west African nations

A Bridge to Kédougou
Opening new routes to social and economic development in northern Guinea

A Healthy Approach to Development
Participatory development approaches have forged a healthy partnership between healing traditions in the rural community of Baguinet

l'approche de l'ADF en français



Helping Guinea's Small Entrepreneurs Invest in the Future
ADF's enterprise development program is helping small businesses invest in themselves, generate new jobs, and produce measurable increases in income for families in Guinea's poorest communities

The Mechanics of Small Business Development
Conakry's Car Guys put themselves in the driver's seat

A Better Future Looms for Rural Weavers
The weavers of Kollossi are turning an old survival strategy into a profitable community-based enterprise

New Ground for Growth
Investments in irrigation development has helped family farmers channel new income into rural communities


A Partner for Development in Guinea
ADF's partnership with the Center for Development Support is helping to create a national resource for social and economic development

Essential Background Facts on Guinea