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SCORM® Technical Common Questions

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This page contains answers to frequently asked questions about SCORM.



SCORM Technical Common Questions Answers

How will formatting issues, such as layouts, fonts, color schemes, etc. be handled while allowing for interoperability and sharability of learning products?
ADL has heard this referred to as the 'ransom note effect.' This is of course a concern of and there are various efforts underway to look at how you can use the idea of "skins", e.g. Windows Media Player skins, to work through that problem. Also the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is doing work on standards to separate content from navigation and design that ADL hopes to be able to build on.

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What hardware constraints, such as minimum requirements for operating features, might come into play for SCORM conformant learning products?
SCORM and ADL generally refer to 'Web-based' or 'browser-based' instruction. All that is needed is a Web browser. An Internet connection is not always necessary. ADL thinks that the vendors will really address this issue since the more widely accessible their content and/or systems are, the more markets they will able to access.

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What topics does SCORM address besides LMS/content exchange?
The launching of content and the exchange of data such as learner ID numbers and test scores between LMSs and content are among the most important topics addressed by SCORM. These areas are addressed by the SCORM Run-Time Environment (RTE). SCORM also covers other critical areas.

SCORM defines formats for "meta-data" or descriptions of course content that allow reusability. Meta-data files contain information such as training objectives, prerequisites and the sequence in which concepts should be presented. SCORM handles meta-data through its Content Aggregation Model (CAM).

SCORM also addresses a standard way to structure and exchange learning content. This occurs through the application of the IMS Content Packaging specifications.

SCORM also defines a method for representing the intended behavior of an authored learning experience such that any LMS will sequence discrete learning activities consistently. This is accomplished through the application of the IMS Simple Sequencing Specifications.

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Will SCORM conformant content and SCORM conformant LMSs "plug-and play" with each other?  
Probably. SCORM dictates how an LMS must make the API available to the content, so content developers know exactly how to write the ECMAScript code to locate and call the API. You might have problems if the LMS and content support different versions of SCORM, which is rapidly evolving. The current version is SCORM Version 1.2, with SCORM Version 2004 slated for release early in the first quarter of 2004. Many products adhere to the previous version, SCORM Version 1.1. Fortunately, from the perspective of LMS/content data exchange, the differences between SCORM Version 1.1 and 1.2 are minor. (For more information on the differences refer to SCORM Version 1.2: The SCORM Run-Time Environment, Appendix C: "Revision History.") If there are version-related compatibility problems, the content vendor may be able to make simple changes to address them. Any changes between SCORM Version 1.2 and Version 2004 will be addressed as they arise.

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Does SCORM allow multiple ways for LMSs and courseware to exchange data?
No. SCORM requires use of the ECMAScript API defined in the SCORM RTE book.

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Are there LMS specification standards?
SCORM does not try to standardize the implementation of LMSs. Although there are some "behavioral" requirements imposed upon the LMS by the standardized communication mechanism. SCORM wants, primarily, to ensure that courses run and behave the same on different LMSs. There are no requirements for how the LMSs are designed and implemented. This is left to the LMS vendor to address, and each does so differently targeting different market areas and consumer needs. The goal of ADL is, in part, to provide standards that allow content to be interoperable and sharable. We believe standardizing the communication mechanism takes us most of the way toward that goal.

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What size must the learning resource (Sharable Content Object or Assest) be to conform to SCORM?
There are no SCORM-imposed requirements on size of learning resources. The size of learning resources must be thought of early on in the development cycle. Size should be based on several aspects:

  • Reuse
  • Objectives of the learning resource
  • Pedogogical Model being used.
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Why must I copy XML Schemas to the Windows Desktop when I run the SCORM Conformance Test Suite?
Due to implementations used with the Xerces XML parser, it is necessary to copy any needed XML Schemas (.xsd files) to the Windows Desktop for both Meta-Data and Content Package testing. This constraint is being investigated and will be addressed in an upcoming release of the SCORM Conformance Test Suite.

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What is a Packaging Interchange File (PIF)?
A Package Interchange File (PIF) is a single file ( such as a .zip file) that includes a top-level Manifest file named "imsmanifest.xml" and all other physical files as identified by the Manifest. A PIF is a concise Web delivery format and a means of transporting related, structured information.

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What is a Package?
A Package is a logical directory, which includes a specially named XML file, any XML control documents it references (such as XSDs), and sub-directories containing the actual physical resources.


A package represents a unit of usable (and resusable) content. This may be part of a course that has instructional relevance outside of a course organization and can be delivered independently, as an entire course or as a collection of courses.


Packages are not required to be incorporated into a Package Interchange File (PIF). A package may also be distributed on a CD-ROM or other removable media without being compressed into a single file. An IMS Manifest file and any other supporting XML files required (e.g. XSD) must be at the root of the distribution media.

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Does learning content need to use the SCORM Application Programming Interface (API) to be SCORM conformant?
Sharable Content Objects (SCO) are required to only perform the following:

  1. Find the LMS provided API Instance.
  2. Invoke the Initialize("") API function when ready to begin communication with the LMS provided API instance.
  3. Invoke the Terminate("") API function when ready to end communication with the LMS provided API Instance.

Asset is not required to communicate with the LMS provided API Instance.

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Use of XML Base
XML Base is a construct used to explicitly specify the base URI of a document in resolving relative URIs in links to external files. In the imsmanifest.xml file, internal and external references may be absolute or relative. Relative addresses can be prefixed by an xml:base attribute. The xml:base attribute allows both external and local base addresses to be specified. Relative URLs, in the absence of xml:base, are relative to the Package root (location of the imsmanifest.xml). In the presence of an xml:base path, relative URLs are relative to the path specified in xml:base. When an xml:base path is relative itself, the absolute path is then resolved to the location of the containing document. That is, the location of the imsmanifest.xml file in an importing system, when it is read, supplies the missing absolute segment, per rules expressed in RFC 2396. In the presence of an xml:base path, which references an external location, the relative URLs are relative to that location. Absolute (external) URLs are considered to be fully-specified without the provision of additional pathing.


When using xml:base in packaging, the xml:base path should not begin with a leading forward slash. As defined in RFC 2396, a path with a leading forward slash indicates the absolute path of that resource. Using a leading forward slash can easily be misinterpreted as declaring the document as the local host. With this in mind, the x:base attribute is most useful for specifying relative paths to sub-directories containing content Package resources.


For more information on XML Base visit the W3C Web site (

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Use of metadata vs. use of the HTML "meta" tag
When talking about metadata within SCORM, we are referring to meta-data as a stand-alone entity. This is not to be confused with the use of the tag that exists within the WC3 HTML specification. We are not saying that you cannot use this tag, only that we are not referring its specific use in the SCORM specification.


When developing SCORM conformant content, the metadata for this content exists as a stand-alone entity. Once this stand-alone entity is created, it can be associated to the learning resource via the manifest (imsmanifest.xml) file. The manifest file can contain in-line metadata meaning the actual metadata elements are included within the other XML forming the manifest file, or the element can be used to reference the location of a metadata instance found outside of the manifest.

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Use of (sub)Manifests
When to use (sub)Manifests?


The implementation is entirely up to the content developer as long as the content developer follows the requirements outlined in SCORM.


The scope of a manifest is elastic. The manifest can describe part of a course that can stand by itself outside of the context of a course (an instructional object), an entire course, or a collection of courses. The decision is given to the content developers to describe their content in the way they want it to be considered for aggregation and dissaggregation. For example, if all content comprising a course is so tightly coupled that no part of it may be presented out of the course context, a content developer would want a single manifest to describe that course's resources and organization. However, content developers who create 'instructional objects' that could be recombined with other 'instructional objects' to create different course presentations would want to describe each 'instructional object' in its own manifest, then aggregate those manifests into higher-level manifests containing a course organization. Also, a content developer who wants to move multiple courses in a single package (a curriculum), would use a top-level manifest to contain each course-level manifest and any instructional object manifests that each course might contain.


An 'instructional objects' could be any form of a content aggregation (e.g., modules, lessons, chapters, etc...).


There is still some unanswered questions in the IMS Content Packaging Working Group dealing with the use of (sub)Manifests. This is work that should be addressed in the next release of their specification. For more information and guidance please see the IMS Content Packaging Specification (


There are three documents that you may be interested in reading:

  • The IMS Content Packaging Information Model
  • The IMS Content Packaging XML Binding
  • The IMS Content Packaging Best Practice Guide.


These documents form the basis of SCORM 2004 (Version 1.3) work dealing with Content Packages.

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Overview of ADL Metadata Specifications
The work of the ADL Initiative to develop SCORM is also a process to knit together disparate groups and interests. This reference model aims to coordinate emerging technologies with commercial and/or public implementations. SCORM defines the application requirements and guidance in the use of the IEEE 1484.12.1-2002 (more commonly referred to as Learning Object Metadata, or LOM).

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Representing query strings or launch parameters in a Manifest
Listed below are two mechanisms for representing launch parameters or query strings in a Manifest. Other representations may exist to allow the content developer to provide this information.

  1. As part of the <resource> or <file> href. The content developer can place the query string or launch parameters as part of the href. An example of this is:<resourcehref="foo.html?Topic=1">
  2. Using the parameters attribute of the <item>. The content developer also has the option of placing the query string or launch parameters in the parameters attribute of the referencing the . The parameters attribute is defined as the static parameters to be passed to the resource at launch time. This allows for the ability to reference the same from different items for different purposes. In option 1, each Resource must be repeated in the Manifest.


An example of this is: <item identifier="I01" identifierref="R_I01" parameters="Topic=1"> <item identifier="I02" identifierref="R_I01" parameters="Topic=2"> <resource identifier="R_I01" href="foo1.htm">


IMS Content Packaging Version 1.1.3, released June 12, 2003, has made some additions to clarify parameter processing requirements. These additions do not directly affect what is discussed in this article.

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Handling of bookmarks in the CMI Data Model
Keeping track of the location inside of a SCO for a student can be accomplished using the cmi.core.lesson_location data model element. This element can be set from with the SCO and retrieved upon launch of the SCO. The cmi.core.lesson_location corresponds to the SCO's exit point passed to the LMS system the last time the student experienced the SCO. This provides a mechanism to let the students return to the SCO at the same place they left it in another session. In other words, this element can identify the student's exit point and that exit point can be used by the SCO as an entry point the next time the student wants to take the SCO. In the future, a new data model may be introduced for bookmarking capabilities.

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Last Revised: 09/02/2008
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