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ADL Logo Usage Guidelines

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Logo Usage Guidelines (Rev. 05/10/2007)
The Logo Usage Guidelines are provided to assure the proper and consistent use of all logos available from the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative.  Organizations and individual users must follow the guidelines set forth when using the ADL, SCORM, SCORM Adopter or ADL Certified Products logos.


By registering with, organizations and users are permitted to download the ADL and/or SCORM logos.  ADL requests the following registration data: name, organization, e-mail address, logo title and intended use of the logo (for example, print, multimedia/video or Web site) are included.  Note: The SCORM Adopter and ADL Certified Products logos are not available for download from  These logos are sent directly to organizations that have met requirements for those programs.  For additional information on SCORM Adopters and ADL Certified Products visit the SCORM section of


Before using the ADL, SCORM, SCORM Adopter or ADL Certified Products logos users must agree to comply with the following:

  • The ADL Initiative will be recognized as the source of all logos (cited as: Source: Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative).  Users must also identify the ADL and SCORM logos as registered trademarks of the ADL Initiative (cited as: The <insert logo name> logo is a registered trademark of the Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative.).
  • The logos, when used in any type of electronic media (i.e. Web sites, Web-enabled CD-ROMS, etc.), must link back to   Logos used on printed outreach materials (for example, displays, brochures and signage) must display the URL with the logo.  Note: Only the SCORM Adopter logo may be used to show an ADL partnership.  Logos should not be used to show any endorsement of an organization, products and/or services.
  • The logos may not be altered or otherwise distorted in perspective or appearance.
  • The logos may be modified in size, but the proportions must be maintained.  For legibility purposes, the logos should not be reproduced smaller than one inch wide by one-half inch high. 
  • The logos must be used as stand-alone graphical elements (i.e. the logos will not be part of or be combined with any other design element or logo).  Lines or rules must not intersect the logo so as to appear to be part of the logo itself.
  • A minimal amount of space must surround any logo, separating it from other elements such as text, to ensure that the other elements do not appear to be part of the logo.  The space should be one-quarter inch on the bottom as well as both sides.  The top clear space should be one-eighth inch.  To measure the bottom clear space, start at the baseline of the logo and allow one-quarter inch of clear space before adding any other design elements.  If the logo is placed on a similarly colored background, it is acceptable to use an outline around the logo for contrast.
  • Watermarks of the logos are allowed, provided the usage complies with these guidelines.  The words "ADL" and "SCORM" also may be used as a watermark.
  • The ADL, SCORM, SCORM Adopter or ADL Certified Products logos or their respective names may not be used in any manner that would imply the ADL Initiative’s endorsement of an organization, products and/or services. 
  • When using any of these logos to illustrate a relationship with ADL, the organization will clearly state the type of relationship it has with ADL.  For example, organizations given the SCORM Adopter logo after becoming an adopter, should clearly state that they are an ADL Partner.
  • While ADL encourages organizations to describe their adoptions of SCORM in their product descriptions and literature, the use of SCORM in a product name is strictly prohibited.
  • All uses of the ADL, SCORM, SCORM Adopter or ADL Certified Products Logos are subject to existing copyright, trademark, service mark and/or other applicable laws.  Any action not in accordance with these guidelines is expressly prohibited.

Organizations Authorized to Use Logos
The following types of organizations may use these logos:

  • Organizations affiliated with any of the ADL Co-Labs that wish to promote the ADL Initiative.
  • Organizations seeking to promote the benefits of participating in the ADL Initiative, such as product and service providers, academic institutions, government and non-governmental organizations, and trade associations.
  • Organizations that are ADL Certified or a SCORM Adopter.

Agreements & Conditions
The Logo Usage Guidelines are the only guidelines approved when using the ADL, SCORM, SCORM Adopter and/or ADL Certified Products logos. No amendments or waivers may be made to these guidelines.


All expressed or implied conditions, representations and warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, are excluded. 


The ADL Initiative is not liable for any damages suffered by other parties as a result of using, modifying or distributing ADL-developed content or its derivatives.  In no event will the ADL Initiative be liable for any lost revenue, profit or data, or for direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive damages, however caused, regardless of the theory of liability, arising out of the use of or inability to use ADL-developed content, even if the ADL Initiative has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


These guidelines are subject to change by the ADL Initiative without notification.  Only the most recent guidelines are valid and reside on  It is the user's responsibility to remain aware of any changes to these guidelines.

Last Revised: 09/02/2008
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