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USGS Geological Research Activities with U.S. Minerals Management Service

USGS Geological Science Research Activities with MMS

image:coral reef

Under the Natural Resources Theme of the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the USGS, the focus has been on understanding the Nation's fresh water, mineral, and energy resources in a global, geologic, economic, and environmental context. Studies are being done to evaluate resource potential and to assess possible hazards and impacts on the environment associated with resource use. The Coastal Marine and Geology Program is providing critical information on gas hydrates, ground water, and sand and gravel resources.

The Energy Resources Program of the USGS assesses the energy resources potential of the Nation and the World- exclusive of the Federal offshore waters- and the environmental and health impacts of energy production and use. The Program also delivers energy resource information to land and resource managers, energy policy makers, other scientists, academia, private industry, environmental groups, and other non-governmental organizations.