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Issues Search Results

274 Issues Found

Issue Number Title
11435 Application of ‘Read Maps’ from Global Shared Objectives
11526 Learner Invoked Navigation Events Take Precedence
11527 Missing Sequencing Rules Condition Table and Definition
11531 Application of ‘Write’ Maps When No Success Status Reported by the SCO
11369 The Content Package Requirements Do Not State That All Extension Elements Must Be Schema Validated
11528 Prohibiting Exit Parent Post Condition Rules on the Root of the Activity Tree
11529 Prohibiting Previous Post Condition Rules on the Root of the Activity Tree
11391 Timing of Content Being Taken Away from the Learner
11301 LMS DMI Test Content Package may throw ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception
11373 Content Packages containing a <ruleCondtion> element that reference objectives within a <sequencingCollection> element may fail validation
11374 Content Packages containing a <ruleCondtion> element that reference objectives within a lt;sequencingCollection> element may fail Course Import
11293 The Sample Run-Time Environment does not correctly handle resource href URIs containing the ‘../’ expression.
11225 DMTimeUtility throws ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception
11291 Line return characters in imsmanifest.xml and Data Model elements may produce JavaScript errors
11292 The Conformance Test Suite Content Package Test does not correctly handle resource href URIs containing the ‘../’ expression.
11298 Summary Log File cannot be opened after Abort Button Clicked in Content Package Conformance Test
11296 Receiving a 1609 Error during Sample Run-Time Environment Install
11023 Contradictory Requirement for Processing an adl.nav.request
10899 Incorrect Description of the <deliveryControls> Element
10768 Conformance Requirements Incorrectly Defines Boundary of referencedObjective Value
10792 Sequencing Test Cases Contains Typographical Errors
10623 The Conformance Test Suite Content Package Conformance Test does not decode characters outside of the Basic Latin Unicode code chart
10769 Content Package Conformance Test causing imsmanifest.xml not found at the Root of the Package Error
10786 Error: cmi.exit set to "logout" in CM-05 (LMSTestPackage09 in previous CTS versions).
10747 Conformance Test Suite Content Package Conformance Test does not correctly handle href URIs containing '../' syntax
10767 Conformance Test Suite Content Package Conformance Test does not check for illegal reserved characters in URI values during validation.
10784 Conformance Test Suite logs do not support Non-Latin Language characters.
10746 SCORM Conformance Test Suite Install Directory Environment Variable
11083 Error in Objective Index compare in LMS Test Content Package CM-02b
11210 The LMS Conformance Test does not properly handle trailing zeroes in objective scores
10496 The Sample Run-Time Environment does not decode encoded extended-ascii characters in a manifest href
10852 The Sample Run-Time Environment does not correctly handle href URIs containing '../' syntax
10941 The Sample Run-Time Environment Incorrectly Reports Successful Import
11103 The Sample Run-Time Environment throws a NumberFormatException with subsecond duration values
10783 Internal Walk-off-the-Tree Behavior
10815 The Sample Run-Time Environment incorrectly processing cmi.exit equal to "logout"
11188 Sample Run-Time Environment doesn't check for illegal reserved characters in URI values during validation.
10544 Inconsistent Information Regarding Read Maps in Table 3.10.3a
10545 Incorrect Method Name used in the SCORM 2004 Run-Time Environment Book
10553 Incomplete Requirement for href Value
10554 Clarification to Requirements for the identifierref Attribute Data Type for the Element
10655 Attempt Limit of Zero not Honored
10471 Fictitious Student Names and IDs in the Learning Management System Conformance Test
10552 Incorrect User Instructions (Alert Box) for Learning Management System Conformance Test Package 2
9406 API Method Calls with Less than the Correct Number of Arguments causes Java Exception in SCO RTE Conformance Utility Test
9316 "referencedObjective" Attribute Values Not Tested In Content Package Manifest
9310 Multiplicity Requirements Not Tested In Content Package Manifest
9313 Change to the Data Type of the Element
9312 "href" and "href" must be identical In Content Package Manifest
9181 LMS Conformance Test for Interaction Types between Accesses
10154 UTF-8 Encoded Manifest Fails Validation
10340 Content Package Conformance Test Not Launching SCOs with Certain Parameters
9932 Choice Navigation Requests with Targets that Contain Various Characters
8813 Sample Run-Time Environment Does Not Exit A Course On A time-out Request
8840 Incorrect Measure Value Listed On Create Global Objectives Administration Page
8864 Unknown Satisfaction Status Saved As Satisfied In Global Objectives Administration
8915 Sample Run-Time Environment Does Not Correctly Apply Selection Controls
8976 Sample RTE Does Not Recognize Empty Sequencing Elements
9737 The Sample RTE Incorrectly Maps cmi.completion_status Of "not_attempted" To Sequencing State
9909 Data Model Duration Times Are Not Accumulated Or Formatted Correctly
9942 Case Insensitivity Causes Incorrect Item To Be Launched
9981 Improper Rendering Of TOC With Constrained Choice And Prevent Activation
10017 Exception Caused By Accented Characters In Content Packages During Import
10141 Courses Containing Non-English Characters Are Not Properly Displayed Or Launched
10154 UTF-8 Encoded imsmanifest Fails Validation and Import
10195 Exit All Post Condition Rule Not Being Evaluated Properly
10538 Incorrect Response Expected from User Interface Interoperability Question in LMS Test Content Package CM-07d
9956 Director SCO of the PITE Example Never Terminates
9955 Unreferenced Files in All Five imsmanifest.xml Files
9273 Duplicate Files in the Zipped Content Package
8880 Completion Status Application Error
7980 Inconsistency in imsmanifest.xml for the DMCE Version 1.0
8592 Incorrect ID in Figure
8631 Inconsistent Description of Issuing a "Suspend All" Navigation Request
8658 Incorrect Description of Change for Addendum 2.17
8697 Incorrect State Defined in Figure 4.6.3a
8712 "Suspend All" Vocabulary Token Being Added to ADL Navigation Model
8782 Clarification of LMS Behavior for Processing Identical Objective Identifiers in an Interaction Record
8716 Requirement Missing Defining the LMS Behavior for Processing Identical Objective Identifiers in an Interaction Record
8730 "Suspend All" Vocabulary Token Being Added to Element
8731 Incorrect Sequencing Rule Description in Sequencing Test Case RU-7a
8732 Incorrect Data Model Element Description in Sequencing Test Case RU-7c
8783 Missing Conformance Requirement for Leaf Item Elements
8721 Missing Conformance Test in the Content Package Test for Leaf Elements
8736 Typo in LMS Test Package 30 - RU-7C
8615 Suspend All Navigation Request incorrectly Persists Run-Time Data
8711 The Sample Run-Time Environment does not Support the Hiding of the Suspend User Interface Control
8724 Sample Run-Time Environment "View Global Objectives" Function Only Shows Current User Global Objectives
8750 Error Selecting Invisible Activities from a SCO Running in the Sample Run-Time Environment
8779 Null Pointer Error when Launching a Leaf Activity that does not Reference Content
8076 Clarification and Changes Needed for Non-Tracked Activities
8392 Pseudo Code Error in SB.2.9
8366 Test Cases RU-8a and RU-8b Activity Tree Structures Do Not Match the Content Package Manifest
8359 Required Controlling Documents Not Being Detected At the Root of the Package for the Element in the Content Package Conformance Test
8521 Test Cases RU-8a and RU-8b Activity Tree Structures Don't Match the Test Package Manifests for the LMS Conformance Test
8457 Courses Not Fully Deleted in "Manage Courses" Administrator Area
8467 Incorrect Application of End Attempt Process in the Sample RTE
7890 The Sample RTE does not allow Invisible Activities to be Choice Targets
7389 Choice Exit == False on Activity Tree Root Prevents TOC in the Sample RTE
8573 Content Package Validation without Internet Connectivity
7816 Sample Run-Time Environment Generates a Null Pointer Exception on Non-Tracked Clusters
8249 LMS Conformance Test LMS Test Package 42 (SX-3 Activity 5) is Not Setting cmi.success_status
8266 Uniqueness in Objective IDs Not Fully Enforced by the Content Package Conformance Test
8080 Content Package "non PIF" Option of the Content Package Conformance Test Does Not Halt when Required Schemas are Missing
8203 Content Package Conformance Test Cannot Launch A SCO with an Encoded URL
8128 The SCORM 2004 Conformance Test Suite Is Not Handling xsi:schemaLocation in All of the Places Permitted by the W3C Recommendation when Testing Content Packages
7893 Additional Sequencing Tests Being Added to the LMS Conformance Test for "Not-Tracked" Activities
8077 Additional Conformance Requirements, described by new Sequencing Test Cases, Needed for "Non-Tracked" Activities
7447 Error in Measure Rollup Process (RB.1.1) Defined in SCORM Sequencing and Navigation (SN)
7458 Root of the Activity Tree Currently Cannot be Targeted for Choice
7425 Choice Exit not Enforced on the Activity Tree Root due to Missing Clause
7448 Incorrect Definition of Extended Rollup Set
8075 Portability (Interoperability) of URLs between Windows and UNIX Systems - Additional Checks in the Sample Run-Time Environment Being Added
7770 Portability (Interoperability) of URLs between Windows and UNIX Systems - Additional Checks in the Conformance Test Suite Being Added
8038 xsi:schemaLocation Not Being Detected when a Prefix Qualifier is Being Used
8015 cmi.completion_status Value of "not attempted" is Not Mapped to Sequencing Tracking Information
8015 Application of xml:base to Element
8210 Portability (Interoperability) of URLs between Windows and UNIX Systems
8211 Portability (Interoperability) of URLs between Windows and UNIX Systems
7622 Application of xml:base to Element
7983 Exit Action Rule on the Activity Tree Root does not End the Sequencing Session
8005 Error in SCORM Version 1.2 to SCORM 2004 Manifest XSLT Version 1.1 support for (sub)Manifest
7606 Conformance Requirements Missing for Trailing and Leading Slashes on URLs
8073 Conformance Requirement Not Being Validated By the Sample Run-Time Environment
7621 Conformance Requirements Not Being Validated by the Content Package Conformance Test
7759 Error When Navigation Data Model Element is Set After Terminate is Called in the Sample Run-Time Environment
8078 Erroneous Verification of XML Elements/Attributes May Be Taking Place in the Sample Run-Time Environment
7834 Erroneous Verification of XML Elements/Attributes May Be Taking Place in the Conformance Test Suite
7891 The Conformance Test Suite Should Permit the Element to be Applied to an Asset Resource
8079 The Sample Run-Time Environment Should Permit the Element to be Applied to an Asset Resource
8034 The Element Should be Permitted on an Asset Resource
8035 Conformance Requirement for the Use of the Element Needs Updated
8030 Incorrect Rollup Rule Defined in Sequencing Test Case SX-2
7912 The Rollup Rule in LMS Conformance Test Package 41 is Incorrect
7984 SCORM 2004 Conformance Test Suite May Fault Based on User Not Operating Test as Intended
8048 LMS Handling of Unique ID Collisions within the Run-Time Data Model
8049 Conformance Requirement Addition for LMS Handling of Unique ID Collisions within the Run-Time Data Model
7986 Identifier Collision Test Cases Missing From the LMS Conformance Test for the Objectives and Interactions Data Model Elements
8006 Incomplete Application Profile Checking on Content Aggregation Metadata in the Conformance Test Suite
8007 Inaccurate Detection of SCORM 2004 Metadata in the Content Package Conformance Test
7671 Incorrect conversion of datetime to duration in typicalLearningTime transformation
7673 The Sample RTE may return an HTTP 500 error in the course menu window when processing disabled activities
7677 Error when an LMS Returns a Truncated String Value
7691 Error in Validating Language Code in the LMS Conformance Test
7734 cmi.total_time Validation Bug in the LMS Conformance Test
7752 Data Model _children validation error order incorrectly required in the LMS Conformance Test
7753 Incorrect error code for Data Model Element Not Specified error condition
7754 The Sample RTE Implementation of the Data Model Element Not Specified error condition
7755 Default value for timeinterval should be 0 in the SCORM 2004 2nd Edition
7779 Comparison Tests for Timeinterval data types are too strict within the LMS Conformance Test
7792 Metadata Conformance Utility Test failure to produce SPM length warnings
7805 Mandatory Elements Not Being Enforced For the Asset Metadata Application Profile in the Metadata Conformance Utility Test and the Content Package Conformance Test
8033 Default value for timeinterval should be 0 in the SCORM 2004 Conformance Requirements
8074 Error in Validating Language Code in the Sample RTE
7064 Item Identification Issues in the Sample RTE
7254 LMS Testing for Objective Satisfied By Measure Behavior
7317 Inconsistent Testing of Smallest Permitted Maximums in the LMS Conformance Test
7425 Missing Clause in the Navigation Request Process
7393 Clarification of Run-Time Objective Initialization
7335 Clarification of the timing of Measure Satisfaction if Active
7303 Missing Condition on Line 2.1 of SB.2.8
7342 Pseudo-Code Error in UP.1
7368 Pseudo-Code Error in SB.2.9.2
7387 Conflicting definitions of element
7388 Incorrect Operators in Completion Status Determination and Success Status Determination
7390 Manifest Requirements Inconsistency
7139 Incorrect Rollup Condition Definition
7175 Ambiguous language for the timeinterval(second, 10,2) data requirements
7198 Language Type Syntax Clarification
7254 Objective Satisfied By Measure Evaluation Behavior Discrepancy
7303 Missing Conditional Value in Previous Sequencing Request Process
6915 The LMS Conformance Test Not Fully Testing Behaviors of the Session Time and Total Time Data Model Elements.
6982 Missing File in LMS Test Content Packages of the LMS Conformance Test
7067 Incorrect Testing of Interaction Data Model Type in the LMS Conformance Test and SCO Conformance Test Utility.
7023 Data Model Incorrectly Persisting cmi.exit in the Sample RTE.
7066 Interactions Data Model Elements Prevent Empty String Values in the Sample RTE.
7074 Set of Empty Strings Incorrectly Allowed as the value of the Interaction Data Model Type "sequencing" in the Sample RTE.
7255 Content Package Conformance Test Not Handling In-Line SCORM 2004 Meta-Data Correctly
6955 Incorrect Vocabulary for Data Model Element "cmi.entry" in the SCO Conformance Test Utility and the LMS Conformance Test
7066 Interactions Data Model Elements Prevent Emptystring Values in the LMS Conformance Test and SCO Conformance Test Utility.
7022 Java Fault when Importing a non-ZIP File into the Sample RTE.
7067 Interaction Data Model Type Error in the Sample RTE.
7198 Insufficient Testing of the Data Model Type Langstring in the LMS Conformance Test, Content Package Conformance Test and the SCO Conformance Test Utility.
7198 Insufficient Implementation of the Data Model Type Langstring in the Sample RTE.
6926 Error in the Content Package Log During Id/Idref Validation
6625 The inconsistent use of file separators in the Conformance Test Suite causes interoperability issues on some systems
6783 Browsers May Not Recognize the Embedded Applets in the Conformance Test Suite
6652 Upgrading the SCORM 2004 Sample RTE Version 1.3 to Version 1.3.1
6653 Upgrading the SCORM 2004 Conformance Test Suite Version 1.3 to Version 1.3.1
6817 Referencing External Controlling Documents in the Content Package Conformance Test
6789 The LMS Conformance Test Expects the Wrong Error Code in LMS Test Content Package 02.
6863 The LMS Conformance Test Not Performing Intended Localized Characterstring Data Type Tests.
6789 The Sample Run-Time Environment Returns the Wrong Error Code Handling Array Element Special Cases
6860 Incorrect Smallest Permitted Maximum (SPM) for the Element in the Content Package Conformance Test
6926 Error in the Content Package Log During Id/Idref Validation
6906 The build files are located in the wrong location of the install structure
6789 Handling of Invalid SetValue() Requests for Data Model Element Collections
6860 Incorrect SPM for the element
6881 Clarification of Learner Session Initialization Requirements
6864 Handling of Reserved Delimiters
6771 Ambiguous Pseudo Code in Case ##4 of Choice Sequencing Request Process
6784 Misevaluation of Traversal Direction
6824 Measure Rollup Should not be Applied to Leaf Activities
6708 Setting the Current Activity to None (or Undefined)
6852 Invalid Default Value defined for the measureSatisfactionIfActive attribute
6833 Ambiguous information defined in the language_type Data Type
6956 Deprecation of the adlcp:persistState attribute
6588 Incorrect XSDs in the Maritime Navigation Package
6669 Meta-Data documents incorrectly fail conformance when the controlling documents are not referenced locally in the Meta-Data Conformance Utility Test, Manifest Utility Test and the Content Package Conformance Test
6757 LMS Conformance Tests LMS Test Content Package 01 Incorrectly Lists SCO Resources as Assets in the Manifest
6721 Typographical Error in the imsmanifest.xml file of LMS Test Content Package 02
6660 The Sample RTEs Database does not support 4000 characters for the Data Model Element cmi.comments_from_lms.n.comment.
4256 Content Package Conformance Test Does Not Warn When the Element Contains Parameters With No Identifierref.
6113 Data Model Data Type Format Errors.
6345 Validation of (Sub)manifest level Meta-data by the Content Package Test
5951 Meta-Data: technical.location.element multiplicity is incorrect.
6340 Validation of Meta-data by the Content Package Test
4723 SCO Test: Incorrect children returned when LMSGetValue completed on cmi.interactions._children
5183 Content Package Conformance Test Not Failing Href Values With Leading Forward Slash.
4737 Sample Run-Time Environment (RTE) Out of Memory Error
4914 A double quote in the "Launch Data" field causes JavaScript errors.
4819 Comparing cmi.student_data.max_time_allowed to the value in the manifest may result in the values being not equal (even though they are equivalent).
5131 Performing LMSGetValue on list elements that have not been initialized (no LMSSetValue has been completed on the element)
4720 Performing Read/Write operations that generate an error code in C1/SCO09 and C2/SCO03 affects Conformance
4947 Content Package Test not enforcing vocabulary for the element
4100 Empty Element Tag Causes Errors in the Content Package Test
4153 The LMS RTE test for cmi.core.student_name fails an LMS if the value is not case sensitive.
3751 Testing Data Model Element Data Types: LMSGETValue() Returns Variations of CMIDecimal and CMIInteger in the LMS RTE Test
3860 Extended Attributes are not being Handled Properly by Content Package Test
3938 IMS Manifest Elements' isvisible Attribute is not always Validated Correctly in the Content Package test.
3634 External Content Package Level Meta-data is ignored in the Content Package Test
1787 Error describing location of saved Detailed Logs in Content Package Test About and Readme files
2771 Sample RTE Java Environment Setup
3075 Wrong meta-data XSD shipped with Conformance Test Suite Version 1.2.3
2250 Handling of decimal MasteryScore values in the Content Package Manifest
2576 Content Package Test Has Problems with Launching SCOs with parameters
2771 Sample RTE Java Environment Setup
2796 Error handling multiplicity of ADL Extension Elements in Content Package Test
1977 Lesson 01 Course 01 SCO08 interaction value set does not match correct interaction type in LMS RTE Test
1978 Embedded carriage return in cmi.comments value field causes error in SCO RTE test
1626 Lesson 01 Course 01 SCO02.xml incorrect reference in Manifest File in LMS RTE Test
1832 Blank string no longer valid for LMSSetValue on type CMIIdentifier
1763 lesson_status incorrectly set to failed in LMS RTE Test
2242 Sample RTE Data Model and Error Code Issues
2173 No WARNING needed for a 201 on element cmi.core._children
2172 Incorrect error reported for element cmi.core._children that returns an error code 403 for the LMS RTE Test
1912 Bounds checking in LMS RTE Test for student_preferences Data Model elements
2135 Content Package Test: SCO launch location error in SCO RTE test
2012 Expiration of ADL Certificate
1818 LMS RTE Test incorrectly issues error message for Not Implemented items
1894 Incorrect Conformance Labels being reported for Content Package Test
2986 Receiving LMS-RTE2 Conformance with No Errors or Warnings
1887 Typo in LMS RTE Instructions for Course 01 in the LMS RTE Test
1897 Imported Package Content is Not Deleted After the Content Package Test is Complete
1703 "organizations" element mandatory or optional in Manifest for Content Package Test
767 SCORM Version 1.1 Interaction vocabulary error
1382 SCORM Version 1.2 Error
1925 Some users experience a browser that hangs or stops responding while running the Test Suite
1338 SCORM Version 1.2
575 SCORM Version 1.1 Typo in cmi.interactions._children
874 codebase error in LMS Run-Time Conformance Test Version 1.1
490 SCORM Version 1.1 Typo CSF Information Model Table
1960 Problems with the Sample RTE "Start Server" and "Stop Server" Desktop Shortcuts on Windows 98 and ME
868 SCORM Version 1.1 Typo "no credit" vs "no-credit"
397 SCORM Version 1.1 Typo Meta-data Element Name Change
1755 Package Manifest value not used when launching SCOs in the Content Package Test
1765 Wrong images being displayed on Content Package Test Instructions page
1783 Link to Detailed Log in Summary Log needs moved
1761 The sco02.xml needs space in Manifest File
1805 The value for masteryscore is reported incorrectly to the log in the Content Package Test
1830 URL Detection is Reported to the Log in the Content Package Test
1561 Update to SCO RTE Test Instructions and Content Package Test Instructions
1929 Querystring being stripped when launching SCOs in the Content Package Test
1954 Validation error occurs when extended attributes in the Manifest are encountered

Last Revised: 09/02/2008
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