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BLM>Nevada>BLM Resources>Resource Advisory Councils
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RAC Recreation

RAC Recreation Subcommittee

Under the 2004 Federal Recreation Enhancement Act (REA), the BLM Nevada RAC has been designated the Recreation Resource Advisory Council (RRAC), and has the authority to review all BLM and Forest Service (FS) recreation fee proposals in Nevada.

The REA was passed in December 2004. The Act provides a 10-year recreation fee authority for five Federal agencies: Forest Service, BLM, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Bureau of Reclamation. A minimum of 80 percent of funds collected under the REA will be reinvested at the recreation fee unit. In addition, the REA directs the Secretaries to establish advisory committees to provide advice and recommendations on recreation fees in each State or region for Federal recreational lands and waters managed by the Forest Service or the Bureau of Land Management, if necessary. The REA states that the Agencies may use existing Federal resource advisory committees (section (4) (d) (1) (D)) or establish new advisory committees.

Following are several documents and links that define the Recreation Resource Advisory Council (RRAC) duties, process and protocol for the review and recommendations of BLM and FS recreation fee proposals in Nevada.

Members | Coordinator