Active Project Portfolio - Quick Source Information Page

United States African Development Foundation
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ID- USADF's internal document tracking code for a particular investment.

- the name of the client group that received a USADF grant in a given country and the primary activity.

Description -
a summary of the how the investment will be used. This entry links to the actual investment description document defining the objectives and performance targets of the investment.
Goals - This entry links to a PDF file of the orginal investment agreement with project goals and objectives.

Value - Total Original US Dollar value of the grant and any budget amendements.
Budget - This entry links to the original investment budget denominated in local currency at the time the grant was awarded.

Start - the date the funds were obligated to the grantee.

End - the last day of the period during which USADF funds will be used to implement an approved investment proposal.

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1439 Coopérative de Produits et de Transformation (APT) photos Food Processing (Peanut Products): APT, a 13-member cooperative, is meeting local demand for peanut oil and peanut butter. USADF funds are being used to procure new specialty equipment which improves the quality and quantity of outputs. Funds are also being used to improve packaging, all of which translates into increased revenues and member incomes.
2002 2008
1514 Cooperation Pharmaceutique et Technique      photos Manufacturing (Analgesics): A local producer of analgesic baby syrup. USADF funds are being used to construct a production facility and to procure technical assistance, allowing COPHARBIOTEC to increase production and develop new markets, including wholesale, retail, physicians and consumers. This is translating into increased enterprise revenues and employee incomes.
2003 2008
1629 ARTISAVON Cooperative  photos      Manufactuing (Natural Soap Products): This 14-member cooperative produces export-quality, natural soap products. USADF funds are being used to expand and improve production which will enable ARTISAVON to compete in regional and international markets, resulting in higher sales revenues.
2005 2010
1632 Coopérative des Vulgarisateurs du Soja et des Foyers Améliorés (CVSFEB) photos Producer of export-quality natural soaps is using funds to procure new manufacturing equipment and scale up production.
2005 2010
1651 Union Communale des Associations des Femmes de Pobé (UCAF)   photos Food Processing (Palm Oil): An association of women’s palm oil producer groups in the Pobé commune, UCAF is using USADF funds to strengthen its business management capabilities, conduct a regional market study, and to acquire improved palm oil processing equipment.
2005 2010
1652 Union Communale Assn Femme d'Adja-Ouere (UCAFA) photos Rural women's cassava flour cooperative is using ADF assistance to improve production & management processes. technical study1 . technical study2



Association pour la Promotion et l’Appui au Développement de Micro Entreprises (PADME)

PADME provides accessible services to low-income individuals and microenterprises in urban and rural Benin.  The USADF grant will be used to expand a successful pilot program which combines microfinance services with health education for rural clients.





ADJIDO Economic Interest Group

The members of ADJIDO raise rabbits to meet local demand for meat following the outbreak of avian flu in Benin.  The USADF investment will allow ADJIDO to increase its breeding stock and infrastructure, and to scale up its provision of rabbit breeding extension services to local youth.





Societé Pleine Vie Bénin (SPVB)

SPVB operates a small outgrower business which works with village farmer cooperatives to produce and market rice and fresh produce.  The company will use the USADF investment to construct an irrigation system for its new production site, and to provide agricultural inputs and training to its partner cooperatives.





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Last Updated: October 23, 2008