Reports to Congress

2009 Congressional Budget Justification

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USADF reports & publications

USADF's online publications, Quick Source, Research Library, USADF Messenger, Reports to Congress and USADF Best Practices Reports provide information on internal staff news, new USADF investments, and best practices for African development.

Quick Source Information Directory

The purpose of the "Quick Source Information Directory" is to provide a simple way to understand more about USADF operations and programs. The information is organized into four primary categories:

- Financial
- Personnel
- Contract
- Program

Quick Source provides the most up to date information about USADF country projects, operational reports, and annual results. To view detailed information about these areas of operations click on the link. - Quick Source Information Directory

USADF Research Library - (under construction)
This is a collection of market studies and other research conducted by local experts for USADF clients. The library is intended as a resource for African small businesses, cooperatives and nonprofits.

(English)   read disclaimer
Country ID Topic
Liberia 1714 Tropical Flower Export Market
(Français)   read disclaimer
Pays ID Sujet
Benin 1652 Evaluation technologique d’équipements de transformation du manioc en gari
Benin 1652 Etude de marché pour la commercialisation du gari au Bénin et dans la sous région
Benin 1877 Etude de marché cuniculture
Mali 1799 Etude de marché COPROKAZAN Maiga Mali 1799 Beurre de karité
Niger 1679 Evaluation des productions d'oignon et élaboration des stratégies de commercialisation
Niger 1693 Etude de marché souchet
Senegal 1626 Etude de marché céréales transformées
Senegal 1627 Etude de marché haricot vert
Senegal 1675 Etude de marché beurre de karité
Senegal 1680 Etude de marché poisson
Senegal 1706 Etude de marché algues marines

USADF Messenger Archive (English) Internal Staff Newsletter


2006 2007 2008
June February January
August April March
October June/July May
December   July


Reports to Congress: 

Testimonies delivered to House Committees and Subcommittees

Prospects for Peace in Guinea March 2007Removing Obstacles for African Entrepreneurs June 2006

Congressional Budget Justification

Congressional Budget Justification FY 2009
Congressional Budget Justification FY 2008
Congressional Budget Justification FY 2007
Congressional Budget Justification FY 2006

Reports to Congress:  Annual Performance Report

Annual Performance Report 2004
Annual Performance Report 2003
Annual Performance Report 2002
Annual Performance Report 2001
Annual Performance Report 2000


USADF Best Practices Reports

Cover of Nomads' Dialogue
Nomads' Dialogue: Development Instead of Relief  (ADF:1990)

Nomads' Dialogue

As USADF celebrates the 20th anniversary of its active program operations in 2004 and 2005, the Foundation is republishing online versions of important USADF research reports produced over the past two decades. The first republished report is Nomads' Dialogue: Development Instead of Relief (1990). This study provided a unique contribution to research on transhumant communities in the Sahel region of Africa by bringing together a diverse array of USADF grant recipients from Mali, Niger, Senegal, Somalia and Tanzania to talk about their common experience of drought and to share lessons learned from their experiences. The conference offered an innovative approach to grassroots, participatory evaluation, and it was premised on the idea that African communities are filled with local experts who know what they need and what works best for them.

Nomads' Dialogue has been scanned into a PDF format that makes it accessible to persons with disabilities, and it is available as a full PDF or can be downloaded in sections.

Nomads' Dialogue Full Text  .pdf
Table of Contents and Introduction  .pdf
Part I:  The Drought  .pdf
Part II:  The Development Projects  .pdf
Commentary on Parts I and II  .pdf
Part III:  The Workshop  .pdf
Conclusion  .pdf

Cover of Sustainable Development and Persons with Disabilities
Sustainable Development and Persons with Disabilities  (ADF:1996)

Sustainable Development and Persons with Disabilities

Edited by Yash Tandon, this volume presents the proceedings of a 1994 conference in Entebbe, Uganda, that brought together persons with disabilities (PWDs) from USADF-funded projects acrosssub-Saharan Africa. Conference participants discussed the opportunities and challenges that face projects that are designed to provide PWDs with real economic opportunity and increased financial independence. The conference explored best practices to ensure the sustainability of income-generating enterprises, ways to break free of " donor dependency syndrome" and ways to ensure the viability of projects in the face of a changing global economy. To access the report, which is formatted in HTML, click below.

Click here, or on the icon above, for Table of Contents and links to the full text.


1400 I Street NW, Suite 1000| Washington. D.C. 20005-2248 | P: 202-673-3916 | F: 202.673.3810