program lavadraw c creates a file showing the various components of the c bi-modal gaussian distribution data pi/3.14159265358979323846264338328/ fac = pi/180. write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'This program creates a file giving the various' write(*,*)'component parts of a 3-D Gaussian distribution.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'The bulk of this program was written by J. J. Love.' write(*,*)'Several numerical Recipes routines are used.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'The format of the output file is like that generated' write(*,*)' by a companion program called lavacompare.f.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Some of the subroutines used here are based on the' write(*,*)'partial summation of infinite series. If more' write(*,*)'precision is needed, you can change nmax in rfdisti' write(*,*)'and rfdistd from 12 or so to a larger number ... ' write(*,*)'say 20 or so, but this, then, will probably require' write(*,*)'compilation in double precision.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Enter a mean x, y, z, and dispersion (sigma)' write(*,*)' ' read(*,*)rmxsave,rmysave,rmzsave,rmssave write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Computer is preparing some plot files now.' rmhsave = sqrt(rmxsave**2+rmysave**2) rmfsave = sqrt(rmxsave**2+rmysave**2+rmzsave**2) rmfssave = rmfsave/rmssave rmisave = asin(rmzsave/rmfsave) rmdsave = atan2(rmysave,rmxsave) open(26,file='out.f.dis',status='unknown') open(27,file='out.i.dis',status='unknown') open(28,file='out.d.dis',status='unknown') open(29,file='out.a.dis',status='unknown') rlimf = 120 diff3 = rlimf/float(200) do i = 0,200 rf1 = i*diff3 call rfdistf(rmfsave,rmssave,rf1,rdistf,rdistfc) write(26,'(3(e10.3,1x))')rf1,rdistf,rdistfc end do do i = -90,90 ri1 = i*fac call rfdisti(rmfssave,rmisave,ri1,rdisti,rdistic) rdisti = rdisti*pi/180. write(27,'(i4,3(1x,e10.3))')i,rdisti,rdistic end do do i = -90,270 rd1 = i*fac call rfdistd(rmfssave,rmisave,rmdsave,rd1,rdistd,rdistdc) rdcumt = rdcumt + rdistd end do do i = -90,270 rd1 = i*fac call rfdistd(rmfssave,rmisave,rmdsave,rd1,rdistd,rdistdc) rdcum = rdcum + rdistd rdistd = rdistd*pi/180. write(28,'(i4,3(1x,e10.3))')i,rdistd,rdcum/rdcumt end do do i = 0,180 ri1 = i*fac call rfdista(rmfssave,ri1,rdista,rdistac) rdista = rdista*pi/180. write(29,'(i4,4(1x,e10.3))')i,rdista,rdistac end do stop end subroutine rfdistf(rmf,rms,rf,distf,distfc) data pi/3.14159265358979323846264338328/ c formulas D1 and D9 distf = (exp(-rf**2/(2.*rms**2) - rmf**2/(2.*rms**2))* - sqrt(2/pi)*rf* - sinh((rf*rmf)/rms**2))/(rmf*rms) dumb1 = (rf - rmf)/rms dumb2 = (rf + rmf)/rms distfc = 0.5*(erf(dumb1/sqrt(2.)) + erf(dumb2/sqrt(2.))) - + rms/(sqrt(2*pi)*rmf)*(exp(-0.5*dumb1**2) - exp(-0.5*dumb2**2)) distfc = ((-exp(-(rf - rmf)**2/(2.*rms**2)) + - exp(-(rf + rmf)**2/(2.*rms**2)))* - sqrt(2/pi)*rms + rmf*erf((rf - rmf)/(sqrt(2.)*rms)) + - rmf*erf((rf + rmf)/(sqrt(2.)*rms)))/(2.*rmf) return end subroutine rfdisti(rmfs,rmi,ri,disti,distic) data pi/3.14159265358979323846264338328/ c formulas F4 and F13 nmax = 12 c if more precision is needed, you can change nmax to a larger number c but this, then, will probably require compilation in double precision disti1 = 0 disti2 = 0 distic = 0 dumbc = rmfs*cos(rmi)*cos(ri) dumbs = rmfs*sin(rmi)*sin(ri) do m = 0,nmax m2 = 2*m do n = 0,nmax n2 = 2*n disti1 = disti1 + exp(factfactln(m2+n2+1) - + factfactln(m2) - factfactln(m2) - factln(n2))* + dumbc**m2*dumbs**n2 dumb01 = exp(-factfactln(m2) - + factfactln(n2))*rmfs**(m2+n2)*cos(rmi)**m2* + sin(rmi)**n2 dumb1 = exp(-factfactln(m2) - + factln(n2))*rmfs**(m2+n2)*cos(rmi)**m2* + sin(rmi)**n2*sin(ri)**(n2+1) temp1 = 0 do j = 0,m j2 = 2*j temp1 = temp1 + exp(factfactln(n2+m2-j2-1) - + factfactln(m2-j2))*cos(ri)**(m2-j2) end do distic = distic + dumb01/2. + dumb1*temp1/2. end do end do dumb = cos(ri)*exp(-0.5*rmfs**2) disti = dumb*disti1/2. distic = distic*exp(-0.5*rmfs**2) return end subroutine rfdistd(rmfs,rmi,rmd,rd,distd,distdc) data pi/3.14159265358979323846264338328/ c formulas G4 and G14 nmax = 12 c if more precision is needed, you can change nmax to a larger number c but this, then, will probably require compilation in double precision distd1 = 0 distd1c = 0 distd2 = 0 distd2c = 0 do n = 0,nmax n2 = 2*n call frdintegral1(rmi,rmd,n,rd,rfdintegral1) distd1 = distd1 + rfdintegral1*rmfs**n2 call frdintegral1c(rmi,rmd,n,rd,rfdintegral1) distd1c = distd1c + rfdintegral1*rmfs**n2 end do dumb = exp(-0.5*rmfs**2) distd = dumb*distd1/(4*pi) distdc = dumb*distd1c/(4*pi) return end subroutine frdintegral1(rmi,rmd,n,rd,rfdintegral1) data pi/3.14159265358979323846264338328/ rfdintegral1 = 0 rmh = cos(rmi)*cos(rmd)*cos(rd) + cos(rmi)*sin(rmd)*sin(rd) rmz = sin(rmi) n2 = 2.*n do k = 0,n k2 = 2.*k dumb = rmh**(k2)*rmz**(n2-k2)* + exp(-factfactln(n2-k2) - factfactln(k2-1)) rfdintegral1 = rfdintegral1 + dumb end do rfdintegral1 = 2*rfdintegral1 return end subroutine frdintegral1c(rmi,rmd,m,rd,rfdintegral1) data pi/3.14159265358979323846264338328/ rfdintegral1 = 0 rmz = sin(rmi) m2 = 2*m do n = 0,m n2 = 2*n dumb = rmz**(m2-n2)*exp(-factfactln(m2-n2)) rint = 0 c if (n .eq. 0) then c rint = (rd + pi/2.) c else do j = 0,n2 dumb0 = exp(factfactln(j-1) - factln(j) - factln(n2-j))* + (cos(rmi)*cos(rmd))**j*(cos(rmi)*sin(rmd))**(n2-j) if (mod(j,2) .eq. 0) then dumb1 = 0 do k = 0,(j/2-1) k2 = 2*k dumb1 = dumb1 + exp(factfactln(n2-k2-2) - + factfactln(j-k2-1))*cos(rd)**(j-k2-1) end do dumb1 = dumb1*sin(rd)**(n2-j+1) dumb2 = 0 do k = 0,(n-j/2-1) k2 = 2*k dumb2 = dumb2 + (-1)**k*exp(-factln(k) - + factln(n2-j-k))*sin(rd*(n2-j-k2))/float(n2-j-k2) end do dumb2 = dumb2*(-1)**(n-j/2)*exp(factln(n2-j) + + factfactln(n2-j))/2.**(n2-j-1) dumb3 = exp(factfactln(n2-j-1))*(rd+pi/2.) rint = rint + (dumb1 + dumb2 + dumb3)*dumb0 else dumb1 = 0 klimit = float(j)/2. - 0.5 do k = 0,klimit k2 = 2*k dumb1 = dumb1 + exp(factfactln(n2-k2-2) - + factfactln(j-k2-1))*cos(rd)**(j-k2-1) end do dumb1 = dumb1*sin(rd)**(n2-j+1) dumb2 = -exp(factfactln(n2-j-1)) rint = rint + (dumb1 + dumb2)*dumb0 end if end do c end if rfdintegral1 = rfdintegral1 + rint*dumb end do rfdintegral1 = 2*rfdintegral1 return end subroutine rfdista(rmfs,ri,dista,distac) data pi/3.14159265358979323846264338328/ c formulas E5 and E12 dista = 0 dista = (1+cos(ri)**2*rmfs**2) distac = 0.5*(1 - + cos(ri)*exp(-0.5*(rmfs)**2*sin(ri)**2)) dumb = exp(-0.5*rmfs**2*sin(ri)**2) dista = 0.5*dista*dumb*sin(ri) return end FUNCTION rlbico(n,k) INTEGER k,n REAL rlbico CU USES factln REAL factln rlbico=factln(n)-factln(k)-factln(n-k) return END C (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software *%&&,1{. FUNCTION factln(n) INTEGER n REAL factln CU USES gammln REAL a(100),gammln SAVE a DATA a/100*-1./ if ( then pause 'negative factorial in factln' end if if (n.le.99) then if (a(n+1).lt.0.) a(n+1)=gammln(n+1.) factln=a(n+1) else factln=gammln(n+1.) endif return END FUNCTION gammln(xx) REAL gammln,xx INTEGER j DOUBLE PRECISION ser,stp,tmp,x,y,cof(6) SAVE cof,stp DATA cof,stp/76.18009172947146d0,-86.50532032941677d0, *24.01409824083091d0,-1.231739572450155d0,.1208650973866179d-2, *-.5395239384953d-5,2.5066282746310005d0/ x=xx y=x tmp=x+5.5d0 tmp=(x+0.5d0)*log(tmp)-tmp ser=1.000000000190015d0 do 11 j=1,6 y=y+1.d0 ser=ser+cof(j)/y 11 continue gammln=tmp+log(stp*ser/x) return END C (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software *%&&,1{. FUNCTION factfactln(n) INTEGER n REAL factfactln CU USES gammln REAL a(100),gammln SAVE a data pi/3.14159265358979323846264338328/ DATA a/100*-1./ if ( then pause 'negative factorial in factln' end if if (n.eq.-1) then factfactln=0 return end if if (mod(n,2) .eq. 0) then nn = n/2 if (n.le.99) then if (a(n+1).lt.0.) a(n+1)=factln(nn)+nn*log(2.) factfactln=a(n+1) else factfactln=factln(nn)+nn*log(2.) endif else rn = float(n)/2. if (n.le.99) then if (a(n+1).lt.0.) a(n+1)=gammln(rn+1.)+ + rn*log(2.)+0.5*log(2./pi) factfactln=a(n+1) else factfactln=gammln(rn+1.)+rn*log(2.)+0.5*log(2./pi) endif end if return END