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Iowa Geological Survey
109 Trowbridge Hall
Iowa City, IA 52242
(319) 335-1575
FAX (319) 335-2754

Iowa Geological Survey


The Winneshiek Lagerstätte

Many paleontologists call it “the discovery of the decade in Ordovician paleontology”. Rare fossils found in a new stratigraphic unit recognized in northeast Iowa near Decorah.
Click here for details.

Recent Survey Publications

  • Water Quality Monitoring in the Hoover Creek Watershed 2004-2006, Johnson and Cedar Counties
  • RAGBRAI 2008 brochures
  • Hydrology of Pre-Illinoian Till at the I-380 Rest Stop Site, Linn County
  • Water Quality Monitoring in the Yellow River Watershed 2005
  • Walnut Creek Watershed Restoration and Water Quality Monitoring Project, Jasper County

    Exploring the Midcontinent Rift

    The Midcontinent Rift is a failed rift, a great rip through the earth's crust stretching for a thousand miles and crossing the center of Iowa. Organic-rich lake sediments are potential petroleum source rocks and overlying coarse clastics may serve as reservoir rocks.

    Cover Photo

    Click here for details
    Our Common Ground Fact sheet (Pdf)
    Download Poster (7.8Mb Pdf)

    New Resource Information Fact Sheets

    Our Common Ground

    “Our Common Ground” is a series of Resource Information Fact Sheets describing services and information available at the DNR-Geological Survey. We strive to make information and technical assistance on earth and water resources available to Iowans.

    Cover Photo

     Click here for details

    Topographic Maps and Base Maps


    Easily locate and order U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute quadrangle maps, county topographic maps and other popular maps of Iowa with our new easy to use Web interface. These maps of local terrain conditions serve outdoor recreation enthusiasts as well as scientists and other professionals.
    Click here to enter.

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    Iowa's Water Quality Database

    Ultimately we envision Iowa STORET as a “one-stop shopping” location for all the state’s water monitoring data.

    Click here for access



    Iowa's Geological Database

    Geosam is the Iowa Geological Survey's geologic site and sample tracking program. 

    Click Here

    Cover photo

    Iowa's Groundwater Basics

    A geological guide to the occurrence, use, and vulnerability of Iowa's aquifers.

    Click here for details


    Cover photo

    This book is a portrait of Iowa's land and resources as we see them today and as they were originally.

    Click here for details


    A window on YOUR environment.

    Check it out



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