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QDDS: Template to make reading a cubic file easier

      CUBE "E " format for seismic events,
           fixed format by column:

ID-Code  N V                                                               E L
          e e                                                            M  r o
          t r                                    #  #   D      E   E      # r cC
          w s                                                  r   r     T     h
          o i                                  M S  P   M  R   r   r   G yM M Te
          r o                                  a t  h   i  M           a pa a yc
          k n Yr MoDyHrMnSec Lat    Lon    Z   g a  a   n  S   H   Z   p eg g pk
                           .   ....    ....   . .            ..   .   .      .

E 51119719NC1200206192246090+378443-1220397  9812  9  9  40 008  04  1027D    LI
E 05228347HV32002061922565810192644-1555016002924000045011000400006001226D2303IY
         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8

a2 * Tp   = Message type = "E " (seismic event)
a8 * Eid  = Event identification number  (any string)
a2 * So   = Data Source =  regional network designation
a1 * V    = Event Version     (ASCII char, except [,])
i4 * Year = Calendar year                (GMT) (-999-6070)
i2 * Mo   = Month of the year            (GMT) (1-12)
i2 * Dy   = Day of the month             (GMT) (1-31)
i2 * Hr   = Hours since midnight         (GMT) (0-23)
i2 * Mn   = Minutes past the hour        (GMT) (0-59)
i3 * Sec  = Seconds past the minute * 10 (GMT) (0-599)
i7 * Lat  = Latitude:  signed decimal degrees*10000 north>0
i8 * Long = Longitude: signed decimal degrees*10000 west <0
i4   Dept = Depth below sea level, kilometers * 10
i2   Mg   = Magnitude * 10
i3   Nst  = Number of stations used for location
i3   Nph  = Number of phases used for location
i4   Dmin = Distance to 1st station;   kilometers * 10
i4   Rmss = Rms time error; sec * 100
i4   Erho = Horizontal standard error; kilometers * 10
i4   Erzz = Vertical standard error;   kilometers * 10
i2   Gp   = Azimuthal gap, percent of circle; degrees/3.6
a1   M    = Magnitude type
i2   Nm   = Number of stations for magnitude determination
i2   Em   = Standard error of the magnitude * 10
a1   L    = Location method
a1 * C    = Menlo Park check character, defined below

"Message Type" field:
     The second character, following the 'E', is no
     longer used for magnitude validation.  Prior "En"
     format that used the 2nd char for magnitude
     validation is no longer supported.

"Event Identification Number" field:
     Any string, excluding '[' and ']' characters.
     Must be a unique identifier for the event.
     Two events with the same identifier from the same
     source will be the same event.  Format varies by
     source - either numeric or alpha-numeric.

"Data Source" field: regional seismic network designation:
      BK = U.C.Berkeley
      CI = SCSN Caltech/USGS, Pasadena,   CA
      NC = NCSN USGS, Menlo Park, CA
      US = NEIC USGS, Golden,     CO
      UW = University of Washington

"Version Number" field:
     May have any value (ASCII 32-126, except 91 or 93).
     Meaning varies by source. Used to distinguish between
     different versions of the same event.

"Location Method" field: varies by source:
     Upper-case indicates an unconfirmed event,
     Lower-case indicates event is confirmed by human review

     R = RTP
     I = Isaiah
     A = Auryn
     B = Binder
     H = Hypoinverse
     S = st_relp     (Doug Neuhauser, UCB)

"Magnitude Type" field:
     B = Mb  = body wave magnitude
     C = Mca = coda amplitude magnitude
     D = Mcd = coda duration magnitude
     E = Me  = energy magnitude
     G = Mgn = MAGNUM (pseudo-empirical local magnitude)
     L = Ml  = local magnitude (synthetic Wood-Anderson)
     O = Mo  = moment magnitude
     P = Mp  = P-wave magnitude (Doug Neuhauser, UCB)
     S = Ms  = surface wave magnitude

"Menlo Park Check Character" field:
     Menlo-Park checksum, calculated 1st through 79th
     char in the message.  Checksum method defined by
     C language source code, below.
     NB: Square bracket characters ARE ACCEPTED in this