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Peter J. Haeussler

Title: Research Geologist
Address: 4210 University Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508-4626
Phone: (907) 786-7447
Fax: (907) 786-7401
Curriculum Vitae

Image of Peter J. Haeussler

Education and/or Training

Ph.D.1992University of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CAEarth Sciences
B.S.1980Michigan State University MichiganGeology

Areas of Specialization and/or Research Interests

Professional Experience

1994 - presentGeologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Anchorage, Alaska
1992-1994Postdoctoral Researcher, U.S. Geological Survey, Anchorage, Alaska
1992Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Californiay
1986-1991 Research Assistant, University of California Santa Cruz
1985-1988Teaching Assistant, University of California Santa Cruz
1985Geologist, Lancer Energy Corporation, Wilmore, Kentucky

Professional Activities and/or Memberships

1985-present, American Geophysical Union
1985-present, Geological Society of America
1983-present, American Association of Petroleum Geologists
1992-present, Alaska Geological Society

Honors and/or Awards

USGS, Anchorage, Alaska, post-doctoral fellowship (2 years), 1991-1993
Geological Society of America (GSA), Harold T. Stearns award for best student proposal for Circum-Pacific Research, 1990

Significant Recent Publications

Haeussler Publication List

Websites of Interest

Haeussler in the News

Anchorage Daily News | Earth mover - Front page Anchorage Daily News article ( 11/17/02 ) on the Denali fault earthquake.

Anchorage Daily News | Researchers share less... - Anchorage Daily News article on November 3, 2002 Denali fault earthquake

Anchorage Daily News | Geologists stumble upo... - Anchorage Daily News article on discovery of Susitna Glacier thrust fault in November of 2002

Anchorage Daily News | Hidden faults - Anchorage Daily News article on the paleoseismology of the Castle Mountain fault

Anchorage Daily News | Powerful lesson - Associated Press story on the first anniversary of the November 3, 2002 , Denali fault earthquake

Anchorage Daily News | 2002 quake a bonanza f... - Associated Press story on the November 3, 2002 Denali fault earthquake

Common Alaska Earthquake Hazard Links

Earthquakes in Alaska | USGS Open-File Report... - Poster on earthquake hazards in Alaska

Rupture in South-Central Alaska-The Denali Fa... - USGS Fact Sheet on the November 3, 2002, Denali fault earthquake

AEIC - Are you prepared for the next big eart... - 2004 earthquake awareness pamphlet

The Next Big Earthquake in Alaska May Come So... - Web version of 1994 earthquake awareness pamphlet

Earthquake Hazards Program: NEIC Earthquake S... - search for earthquakes

USGS Earthquake Hazards Program-Home - Denali fault earthquake photos on USGS server

USGS National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project ... - probabilistic seismic hazard maps

UAF Seismology Laboratory Home Page - Alaska Earthquake Information Center homepage

Pacific Tsunami Warning Center - Ewa Beach, H... - NOAA Tsunami warning center web site

GIS Coverages of the Castle Mountain Fault, S... - USGS Web site with maps and GIS files of the Castle Mountain fault

3 November 2002 M7.9 Earthquake, Alaska - slip distribution table and photographs from the November 3, 2002 , Denali fault earthquake

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