Open-File Report 03-94

Index to the United States Minerals Exploration Assistance Records from the DMA, DMEA, OME Mineral Exploration Programs, 1950-1974

by David G. Frank1, John P. Galloway2, Judy Weathers2, Thor H. Kiilsgaard1, and John Wallis3


1U.S. Geological Survey, Spokane Washington
2U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
3Information Systems Management, Spokane
This report and accompanying maps and table present information on the Defense Minerals Administration (DMA), Defense Minerals Exploration Administration (DMEA), and Office of Minerals Exploration (OME), mineral exploration programs in the United States. Under these programs, the federal government participated in the exploration costs for certain strategic and critical minerals. Federal funds for mineral exploration under the programs were available from 1950 to 1974, although limited funds for OME administrative work were continued until 1979. Contracts that were granted with these agencies provided financial assistance for exploration on a joint-participation basis. Applications are documented in over 5,000 property files (called “dockets”) generated by the DMA-DMEA-OME exploration-assistance programs. Not all applications were awarded contracts. This report reviews the three programs, associated regulations, administrative procedures, and operational techniques. It also describes the various types of informative reports generated by the programs, lists mining properties in the U.S. that were involved in the exploration programs, advises on location of compiled exploration information that resulted from the work, and describes the process for accessing the information.

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For questions about the content of this report, contact Dave Frank

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Created: June 11, 2001
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