Lines, geometry, images and lattices

dem2grid.aml creates an ARC elevation grid from a DEM file. Contains options to change output cellsize, integer/real type, Z units, and Y-coordinate shift.

dem2hillsh.aml creates ARC elevation grid and hillshade grid from a DEM file.

Slide show of information on DOQ file formats

 DOQQ-to-GeoTIFF conversion doq2geotiff.exe [binary] 370688 bytes converts a native formatted DOQQ image to GeoTIFF format in either NAD27 or NAD83. Operates under a DOS window.

Postscript Printer File of instructions for loading USGS 1:12,000-scale DOQQ image files.
README and doqhead.tar [binary] Unix:tar file (606208 bytes) creates Arc/Info BIL header for USGS 1:12,000-scale DOQQ files ... both single and multiple band (CIR). These files are also available as a PKZip file (116135 bytes), but contains source code for C-programs only.

See README file for explanation of NT tools
Windows NT: create DOQ header for older non-keyword-header B&W (BIL) DOQ
Windows NT: convert DOQQ to BIP format for older non-keyword-header Color (BIP) DOQs
Windows NT: create DOQ header for all keyword-header DOQs, both B&W (BIL) and Color (BIP)

New Keyword Header format for DOQQs:README and Unix:C-script for creating Arc/Info BIL headers for multiple USGS 1:12,000-scale DOQQ files.

New Keyword Header format for DOQQs:standalone Arc/Info AML for creating Arc/Info BIL header for single USGS 1:12,000-scale DOQQ file... the basics. For AML/Menu interface, see doqhead.tar or PKZip file

README and doq_drg_merge.tar [binary] version 2.1 as a Unix:tar file (163840 bytes) merging of USGS digital raster graphic (DRG) and digital orthophotoquad (DOQ) images developed at Mid-Continent Mapping Center in Rolla, Missouri. See a GIF version (254798 bytes) of the results.

elev2hillsh.aml creates a hillshade grid from an input elevation grid, with options to rotate and clip output.

README and elevation.tar [binary] Unix:tar file (147456 bytes) menu-driven toolkit for converting USGS DEM files to Arc Grids, creates basic Hillshading and optional 3-D perspective views for either plotter or screen

gridmosaic.aml creates a large mosaicked grid of smaller contiguous grids.

project_headers.aml reprojects all Arc/Info image header (.hdr) files in a directory from one projection system to another. See code for altering the projection parameters, currently UTM/Zone10/NAD83 to UTM/Zone10/NAD27.

image2grid.aml converts an ARC/INFO-supported image into a Grid.

img_clip.aml creates a new sub-image clipped from an input image, based on an interactive extent or a clip coverage.

img_convert.aml converts a single image or a bunch of wildcarded images to the specified output image format.

img_plot.aml and ( must be bundled) create a plotfile in the specified output format (GRA, EPS, CGM) of either the entire input image or of an image subset.

img_plot_orig.aml creates a plotfile in the specified output format (GRA,EPS,CGM) from the input image(s) or grids. (This previous version of img_plot.aml allows the use of wildcards (*), where the new version does not.)

README and slope.tar [binary] Unix:tar file (131072 bytes) creates a raw slope grid and a reclassified slope range grid from an existing elevation grid. This tool also allows plotting of the slope grids.

Data management and disk processes

README and barscale.aml draws a USGS-type barscale at any scale while in an ArcPlot map composition.

README and cff2arc_dlg.tar [binary] Unix:tar file (294912 bytes) toolkit to convert U.S. Forest Service Cartographic Feature Files (CFF) into USGS DLG-attributed, overlay-separated ARC coverages

clip.tar [binary] Unix:tar file (81920 bytes) creates new coverages by cookie-cutting out of a master coverage.

README and dlg2arc.tar [binary] (114688 bytes) for converting USGS DLG files to Arc/Info coverages

README and dlg_translate.tar [binary] Unix:tar file (1638400 bytes) re-maps DLG MAJOR/MINOR attributes into USGS symbol-based single attributes, and attaches symbol and textual description items to each feature

README and geocon.exe (2,176,089 bytes) Self-Extracting PC-executable converts coordinates between Geographic (lat/lon), State Plane, and UTM projections on both NAD27 and NAD83 datums This utility works only under PC DOS. See tricon entry for Windows OS

girasarc2.aml converts USGS 1:250,000-scale GIRAS (type ASCII) files to Arc/Info

itemvalue.aml extracts a feature item value by its record number

neatline.aml creates an Arc POLYGON neatline coverage for a rectangular quadrangle area based on user-provided input arguments

README and panel.aml panels two adjacent coverages - such as from USGS 1:24,000-scale DLGs or 1:100,000-scale DLG 15-minute sections

tiger92.aml converts 1992 TIGER files to an Arc coverage

tiger94.aml converts 1994 TIGER files to an Arc coverage

zone.aml determines UTM Zone based on input longitude.