Blake Hossack

Missoula Field Station


Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center
Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute
790 E. Beckwith
Missoula, MT 59801

Phone 1 406-542-3245
Fax 1 406-542-4196

M.S. Wildlife Biology. 1998. University of Idaho, Moscow

B.S. Wildlife Biology. 1996. University of Montana, Missoula


  • Amphibian ecology
  • Status and trends of amphibians in western North America
  • Techniques for monitoring amphibian populations
  • Freshwater ecology

Background: I have conducted amphibian monitoring and research for the USGS (with Steve Corn) since May 1999. I coordinate field activities and data management for the Rocky Mountain region of the USGS Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative. Much of my current research is focused on the effects of several recent wildfires in Glacier NP on amphibians and their habitats. Other projects include capture-recapture and egg mass counts to track population sizes; synergistic effects of physiological stress, body condition, and disease on amphibian populations; and developing digital tools for monitoring calling frogs.

Related Links:
Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI)
ARMI's Rocky Mountain Region