Notices to Shipping

Notice 01-2008 Vessel Requirements
Notice 02-2008 Harbor Operations
Notice 03-2008 Communications on Transit Activities
Notice 04-2008 Illegal Activities on Transiting Ships
Notice 05-2008 Official, Courtesy and Guest Transits
Notice 06-2008 Embarking or Disembarking During Transit
Notice 07-2008 Panama Canal Transit Reservation System
Notice 08-2008 Attachment of Vessels by Panama Maritime Tribunals
Notice 09-2008 Marine Accident Investigations
Notice 10-2008 Operational Equipment Tests
Notice 11-2008 Operation of Commercial and Non-Commercial Small Craft in Panama Canal Waters
Notice 12-2008 Panama Canal Ship Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (PCSOPEP) Requirements
Notice 13-2008 Implementation of ISPS Code Requirements at the Panama Canal
Notice 13-2008-R1 Implementation of ISPS Code Requirements at the Panama Canal - Rev.1


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