InfoConference 2007 : Panama Canal Expansion Program

General Information

The 2007 Infoconference gathered and catered 806 participants who represented 324 companies from 29 different countries.

Of these 324 companies 21 were among the largest building companies in the world.


There were presentations in Spanish with simultaneous translation into English, with the graphic contents in Spanish on the main screen and in English on the screens at the sides of the room.



These presentations were given by specialists from the Panama Canal Authority and by Panamanian Government officials.

At the main table there were Mrs. Alberto Alemán Zubieta (Canal Administrator), Jorge Quijano (Engineering and Programs Management Director – Canal Expansion Program) and José Barrios (Chief Financial Officer), who answered all of the questions that came up regarding the bid and contractors selection process that will be implemented for this project.

Alberto Alemán Zubieta
Jorge L. Quijano
José Barrios Ng


ACP organized a tour for 243 of the participants to visit the observation sites on the Pacific Side and 218 participants visited the sites on the Atlantic Side.

Area visits Area visits


Additionally, 49 participants took the boat LA GAVIOTA to visit the project dredging sites. 

Area vistis Area visits




Detailed Report of Activities Carried Out during the Event

Thursday, March 8

Conferences at ATLAPA

    • The participants reception process started at 7:15 am
    • Two tables were set: Table 1: Non-registered participants – on-the-spot name tag generation.  Table 2: Name tag hand-out for registered participants.  A payment point was included for those interested in the field trips and did not have a confirmed slot.
    • Lecturer-presentation coordination was verified for the last time.  Main presentations in Spanish were coordinated with their translations into English provided simultaneously on the side screens.
    • Participants designated room coordination.  La Huaca Theater – Salon Boquete.
    • Coffee break coordination for 800 people, plus permanent water, coffee, tea and juice station
    • M.C. Coordination. The coordinator had to act as master of ceremonies for the government conference session.
    • Hostess coordination.  Questions and answers process.
    • Verification of simultaneous equipment functioning and use.
    • Coordination of an additional bus plus registrations for the dredging tour.


Friday, March 9

    • Coolers were picked-up and filled with ice (6:00 AM)
    • Participants’ verification process started at 7:30 AM.
    • The first Pick-up truck with coolers, water and sodas departed at 7:15 AM to the first observation site (Cocolí)
    • The first convoy (2 buses) departed at 8:00 AM. So did the dredging tour bus (Corte Culebra).
    • Two radios were used to communicate with ACP guides on all buses.
    • Five bus convoys were sent on an every half-hour schedule each.   The first convoy was delayed on the way back due to press coverage at the observation site.
    • The Business Round initiated at 1:30 PM with 22 full tables and 4 additional available tables.  An average of 10 meetings was held at each table, including at the additional tables.  The activity went on until 5:00 PM, when it slowed down to conclude at 7:00 PM
    • Availability of a coffee, tea and juice station for the entire round was coordinated.
    • A slot verification table was set up for the visit to the Atlantic Side, and for general information.


Saturday, March 10


  • Assistants verification process initiated at 7:15 AM. Payment process established on the spot for those participants who did not pay in advance.
  • Liability waiver documents signing by ACP.
  • Pick up trucks (2) with coolers, water and sodas depart 20 minutes ahead of time.
  • The bus convoy (5 buses) departs at 8:00 AM. So does the dredging tour bus.
  • Radios were used to communicate with all ACP buses on board of the buses.
  • Bus No. 3 was involved in an accident with another vehicle and forced to stop and wait for the authorities.  An alternate bus from the convoy was used to transfer all participants from one bus to the other.  The trip was resumed in 10 minutes.
  • Visits to the 2 observation points were carried out without further delay.  Two observation points were set up, so the convoy was divided in two buses for each point.
  • The visit to Gatun Locks continued.
  • Participants received an explanation of how the locks work and some other Canal details.
  • Departed Gatún at 12:10 am. The second bus was left as backup waiting for three participants from the dredging tour, who needed to go back to Panama before due to their flight schedule.
  • The convoy arrived in Panama without delays, at 1:30 PM.





March 8
Time Event

0830 – 1000

Expansion Program

Introduction to the major components of the program


·   Design and Construction of Locks

·   Dredging of Approach Channels

·   Dry Excavations of Pacific Lock Access Channel

General description of each project including technical details, schedule, scope and contract type.

1000 – 1045

Q & A Session – Coffee Break

1045 – 1145

Contracting Procedures

General presentation of the most important aspects of the ACP´s contracting process. It will address rules and evaluation processes for contractor qualification and evaluation of proposals.

1145 – 1200

Q & A session

1200 – 1330


1330 – 1530

Government Institutions (TBC)

Present other important projects to be tendered in the future in Panama, immigration laws, taxation and  customs, and information about the nationwide training program to supply skilled workers for major infrastructure projects.


March 9
Time Event

0800 – 1130

Field Visit ( Pacific Project Sites)

Physical inspection of the work sites.

1330 – 1600

Business Round

Opportunity to meet local counterparts of the whole supply chain.


March 10
Time Event

0800 – 1200

Field Visit ( Atlantic side)

Physical inspection of the work site.