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Preliminary Digital Geologic Map of the Penokean (Early Proterozoic) Continental Margin in Northern Michigan and Wisconsin

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-547 (Available on Compact Disc)

By William F. Cannon and Doug Ottke


Small Location Map

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Index Map
This map portrays the geology of Early Proterozoic rocks deposited along the southern margin of the Archean Superior craton during the Penokean orogenic cycle in northern Michigan and Wisconsin. It is a preliminary product of a study of the geologic and metallogenic evolution of that area intended to make available the compiled geology as the larger study progresses. The map has been compiled from a wealth of detailed and regional studies conducted largely by the USGS during the past 50 years. The data is structured and attributed so that users can easily query and modify maps and create a variety of derivative maps based on such features as lithology, age, tectonic setting, and stratigraphy. An ArcView project with associated shape files is provided for viewing and querying of the map. Also provided are .e00 files if further manipulation of the map is desired.

  • Download the compressed ArcView project and shape files: (10.9 Mb)

  • Download the compressed .e00 files for the geology polygon coverage and fault line coverage: (7.6 Mb)

  • Read the metadata

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    Last modified: 20 March 2000