
Updated: 24-Oct-2008


By-laws of the Board of Directors (Spanish Only)
Regulation for the Admeasurement of Vessels to Assess Tolls for the Use of the Panama Canal
Regulation on the Procedure to Revise the Panama Canal Tolls Rates and Rules of Admeasurement
Regulation to Set Tolls, Rates, and Fees for the Transit of Vessels through the Canal, and rendering of Related Services and Complementary Activities
Regulation on Panama Canal Protection and Security (Spanish Only)
Records Management Regulation (Spanish Only)
Financial Management Regulation (Spanish Only)
Emergency Services Regulation (Spanish Only)
Panama Canal Authority Regulation on Safety and Occupational Health (Spanish Only)
Regulation for Navigation in Canal Waters  
Regulation for the Office of the Inspector General (Spanish Only)
Regulation of the Use of the Canal Compatibility Areas, and Canal Shores and Waters (Spanish Only)
Regulation on the Environment, Watershed, and Interinstitutional Commission on the Canal Watershed (Spanish Only)
Labor Relations Regulations of the Panama Canal Authority (Spanish Only) 
Regulation on Organization and Definition of Responsabilities of the Panama Canal Authority (Spanish Only)
Regulations on the Board of Inspectors of the Panama Canal Authority
Personnel Administration Regulation on Panama Canal Authority (Spanish Only) 
Regulation on Panama Canal Authority Telecommunications (Spanish Only)
Regulation on Sanitation and Prevention of Communicable Diseases
Regulation on Panama Canal Authority Purchasing and Contracts - Agreement No. 24 (as of October 4, 1999) (Spanish Only)
Regulation on Commercial, Industrial Activities or Benefit Services of the Panama Canal Authority (Spanish Only)
Regulations of the Panama Canal Authority Advisory Board
Regulation on General Administrative Procedures of the Panama Canal Authority (Spanish Only)
Awards Regulations (Spanish Only)
Regulation for Use of Waters under the Sole Management of the Panama Canal Authority and Extraction and Use of Waters of the Canal Watershed

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