Lake and Wetland Ecosystems

Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge.

Integrated Science to Understand Lake and Wetland Ecosystems of the Northern Rocky Mountains - Wetland research in the Northwest is inexorably tied to water issues, agricultural practices, forestry, grazing, and other land management fields. Our research and development is geared towards helping natural resource managers effectively deal with such topics in relation to wetland dynamics. Wetland processes, especially related to hydrology and geomorphology, are not always well understood and can be a limiting factor to on-the-ground restoration and management. Waterfowl and migratory birds, native fishes, and aquifer change are influenced by public land management and agricultural programs. Our vision is to better comprehend wetland processes and ecosystem services through a view of the hydrogeomorphic setting responsible for the dynamic nature of wetland ecology. We will develop decision support systems with our clients that are designed to help them evaluate management decisions and adaptively manage their wetland resources. We intend that our research findings will form the foundation for such decision support.

Current Projects

Information Sheet

  • Wetlands Research

  • Return to Science