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Talking with Kids About Tough Issues

Raising a child is probably the most gratifying job any of us will ever have -- and one of the toughest. We live in an increasingly complex world that challenges us every day with a wide range of disturbing issues that are difficult for children to understand and for adults to explain. We believe this Web site can help by offering practical, concrete tips and techniques for talking easily and openly with young children ages 8 to 12 about some very tough issues: sex, HIV/AIDS, violence, drugs and alcohol.

NEW! Talking With Kids About Tough Issues has teamed up for a third year with NBC's award-winning The More You Know campaign in a national initiative to support parent-child communication. This season, The More You Know features top stars from "Scrubs", "Law and Order: SVU" and "The Apprentice" offering tips on effective communication. The PSAs are tagged with the Talking With Kids hotline 1-800-CHILD-44, where parents can request free informational materials by mail.

These days, talk of terrorist violence and war is all around us in the media. These news reports can make children feel frightened, unsafe and insecure. The following are some resources to help initiate conversations with your kids:

Whether you are a PTA member, teacher or business, you can use the organizer's toolkit to bring the Talking With Kids About Tough Issues campaign to your community.

On Tuesday, June 25th, 2002, Dr. Richard Gallagher, member of the TWK Honorary Committee, appeared on ABC's "Good Morning America" to discuss how parents can talk to their kids to help ease their fears over their safety.

As seen on CBS Television's "The Young and the Restless," 15-year-old Lily Winters is pressured into having sex with a guy she met on the Internet. This encounter puts Lily at risk for pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. Use this story to talk with your teen about the risks Lily faced and how to avoid them in their lives. For help, visit the following links:

Talking with Kids About Tough Issues has teamed up with Nickelodeon in a national initiative to support parent-child communication about "tough issues" like sex, violence, drugs and respect. The partnership kicks off with the release of data from a new survey of kids age 8-15 and their parents.

Nickelodeon Talk Logo

Parents Visit

Kids Visit

dads talk with your kids In our special focus on dads, we've teamed up with the National Fatherhood Initiative, and ESPN to encourage fathers to start talking with their kids about tough issues.

Talking with Kids about Tough Issues is local too! The 2000 Triple Team Partnership campaign focused on the San Francisco Bay Area and featured celebrities from area sports teams including the Oakland Raiders, Golden State Warriors and Oakland Athletics.

Hable con sus hijos Lea el libro completo de Hablando con los Niños Sobre Temas Dificiles en Español. Read the complete Talking With Kids About Tough Issues booklet in Spanish.

Check out our TV ads featuring Gloria Estefan, ‘N Sync and Bill Clinton. These ads will help parents talk with their children about violence. View the complete press release and obtain our free booklet. Also see/hear what kids have to say about talking with their parents about sex.

Talk With Your kids Kids are ready to talk about today's tough issues before their parents are. A national survey found that kids in families who talk openly are more likely to turn to a parent first if faced with a crisis.

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Talking With Kids About Tough Issues
is a national campaign by
Children Now and the Kaiser Family Foundation.

E-mail: talk [at]