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Immediate Release
June 15, 2004

Contact: email!Charles Steitz
DoDDS Pacific,
Communications Specialist
Voice: 011-81-611-744-5657

2004 DoDEA Principals of the Year Selected

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA — 15 June 2004 - Each year, the Department of Defense Education Activity proudly participates in a national program that recognizes outstanding principals at the elementary school level. The 2004 DoDEA Elementary School Distinguished Principals are as follows (click on a name to see a full biography and photograph):

2004 National Distinguished Principals of the Year (Elementary and Middle Schools)
  • DDESS: Mr. Martin Kinney Principal,
    Tarawa Terrace II Elementary School
    Camp LeJeune – Hampstead, North Carolina

  • DoDDS: Mr. Stanley Hays
    Principal, Bechtel Elementary School
    Camp McTureous – Okinawa, Japan

Background on the National Distinguished Principals Program (Elementary and Middle Schools):

The National Distinguished Principals Program was established in 1984 as an annual event to honor exemplary elementary and middle school principals who set the pace, character, and quality of the education children receive during their early school years.

The program is jointly sponsored by the US Department of Education and the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) , in corporate partnership with VALIC. The two-day event highlights the fundamental importance of the school principal in achieving educational excellence for pre-kindergarten through eighth grade students. The recognition afforded by the NDP designation instills pride in principals' accomplishments and reinforces their continued leadership in helping children develop a lifelong love of learning.

Principals are chosen annually from each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Principals representing private K-8 schools, Department of Defense Dependents' Schools, and the US Department of State Overseas Schools are also recognized. Public school principals are nominated by peers in their home states, and the final selection for each state's NDP is made by the NAESP state affiliate. (See State Affiliates' Membership Links.) Honorees from private schools and overseas schools are selected by special committees.

The awards ceremonies take place in Washington, D.C., each fall. They include special tours and activities as well as professional interaction among the honorees. The two-day celebration culminates in a formal awards banquet normally attended by the US Secretary of Education.

DDESS: Mr. Martin Kinney
Principal, Tarawa Terrace II Elementary School
Camp LeJeune - Hampstead, North Carolin

Mr. Martin Kinney Marty began his teaching career with DoDEA in 1971 at Ansbach American Elementary/Junior High School, Ansbach, Germany. Subsequent assignments, all in Germany, included Ludwigsburg American Elementary School and Boeblingen American Elementary School, where he was assigned as the Education Program Manager. He served as the assistant principal of Vilseck Elementary School prior to his promotion as principal. He has held his current assignment at Tarawa Terrace II since 1999.

Marty strives to empower all constituents to be active participants and decision makers in school success in general and student achievement in particular. His philosophy is "We will do whatever it takes to help students, and will accept no excuses." Marty ensures that student achievement is the primary focus of staff meetings and professional development activities. At Tarawa Terrace II, everyone understands the primary goals, how they are measured, and to what degree they are being achieved. Marty believes that parents play a vital role in the education of their children and has established meaningful ways to involve them in the educational process both within the school and community settings.

Consistent with his belief that learning is a lifelong process, Marty is active in a number of professional associations including Phi Delta Kappa, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, National Association of Elementary School Principals, and Phi Kappa Lambda Music Honorary Association. He received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Southern California.

To schedule an interview with Mr. Kinney, please contact:
Cindy Gibson
DDESS Public Affairs
(678) 364-8044

DoDDS: Mr. Stanley Hays
Principal, Bechtel Elementary School
Camp McTureous - Okinawa, Japan

Mr. Stanley Hays Those familiar with Stan Hays know him to be a strong instructional leader, a great communicator, a skilled facilitator, and an impassioned advocate for children. At Bechtel Elementary School he has initiated an environment reflective of a true professional learning community. Stan's results-oriented leadership style is framed by a clear vision and common values. He involves faculty members in the school's decision making and empowers individuals. Stan has created a community at Bechtel where everyone embraces the belief that "all students can learn."

Stan is an advocate of school-based professional development that is focused on student learning. The school's areas of focus are built around a comprehensive school improvement plan, teacher surveys, and district and area priorities. Instructional decisions affecting students at Bechtel are data-driven and assessments are used diagnostically as a means to improving instruction.

Stan began his DoDEA teaching career in 1970 at O.H. Perry Elementary School, located in the Philippines. Subsequent teaching assignments were in Germany, Okinawa, and Korea. He has held assistant principal positions at Kadena High School, Stearley Heights Elementary School, and Amelia Earhart Intermediate School. Prior to his current assignment he served as principal of Amelia Earhart Intermediate School.

Stan is a member of Phi Delta Kappa and The National Association of Elementary School Principals. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of South Dakota and completed his graduate work at Pepperdine University.

To schedule an interview with Mr. Hays, please contact:
Mary Hibbs
DoDDS Pacific Public Affairs
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