Table of Contents | Chapter 11 | Chapter 13



12.0       OBJECTIVE

              12.1.1 Prepare Disposition Plan
             12.1.2 Archive or Transfer Data
             12.1.3 Archive or Transfer Software Components
             12.1.4 Archive Life Cycle Deliverables
             12.1.5 End the System in an Orderly Manner
             12.1.6 Dispose of Equipment
             12.1.7 Prepare Post-Termination Review Report


             12.3.1 Disposition Plan
             12.3.2 Post-Termination Review Report
             12.3.3 Archived System


12.5       PHASE REVIEW ACTIVITY      


The Disposition Phase will be implemented to either eliminate a large part of a system or as in most cases, close down a system and end the life cycle process. The system in this phase has been declared surplus and/or obsolete and will be scheduled for shut-down. The emphasis of this phase will be to ensure that data, procedures, and documentation are packaged and archived in an orderly fashion, making it possible to reinstall and bring the system back to an operational status, if necessary, and to retain all data records in accordance with DOJ policies regarding retention of electronic records. The Disposition Phase represents the end of the systems life cycle. A Disposition Plan (Appendix C-37) shall be prepared to address all facets of archiving, transferring, and disposing of the system and data. Particular emphasis shall be given to proper preservation of the data processed by the system so that it is effectively migrated to another system or archived in accordance with applicable records management regulations and policies for potential future access. The system disposition activities preserve information not only about the current production system but also about the evolution of the system through its life cycle.


The objectives for all tasks identified in this phase are to retire the system, software, hardware and data. The tasks and activities actually performed are dependent on the nature of the project. The disposition activities are performed at the end of the systems life cycle. The disposition activities ensure the orderly termination of the system and preserve vital information about the system so that some or all of it may be reactivated in the future if necessary. Particular emphasis shall be given to proper preservation of the data processed by the system, so that the data are effectively migrated to another system or disposed of in accordance with applicable records management and program area regulations and policies for potential future access. These activities may be expanded, combined or deleted, depending on the size of the system.

12.1.1  Prepare Disposition Plan

The Disposition Plan must be developed and implemented. The Disposition Plan will identify how the termination of the system/data will be conducted, and when, as well as the system termination date, software components to be preserved, data to be preserved, disposition of remaining equipment, and archiving of life-cycle products.

12.1.2  Archive or Transfer Data

The data from the old system will have to be transferred into the new system or if it is obsolete, archived.

12.1.3  Archive or Transfer Software Components

Similar to the data that is archived or transferred, the software components will need to be transferred to the new system, or if that is not feasible, disposed of.

12.1.4  Archive Life Cycle Deliverables

A lot of documentation went into developing the application or system. This documentation needs to be archived, where it can be referenced if needed at a later date.

12.1.5  End the System in an Orderly Manner

Follow the Disposition Plan for the orderly breakdown of the system, its components and the data within.

12.1.6  Dispose of Equipment

If the equipment can be used elsewhere in the organization, recycle. If it is obsolete, notify the property management office to excess all hardware components.

12.1.7  Conduct Post-Termination Review Report

This review will be conducted at the end of the Disposition Phase and again within 6 months after disposition of the system by the Project Manager.



The following deliverables are initiated and finalized during the Disposition Phase

12.3.1  Disposition Plan

The objectives of the plan are to end the operation of the system in a planned, orderly manner and to ensure that system components and data are properly archived or incorporated into other systems. This will include removing the active support by the operations and maintenance organizations. The users will need to play an active role in the transition. All concerned groups will need to be kept informed of the progress and target dates. The decision to proceed with Disposition will be based on

recommendations and approvals from an In-Process Review or based on a date (or time period) specified in the System Boundary Document (SBD). Appendix C-37 provides a template for the Disposition Plan.

This plan will include a statement of why the application is no longer supported, a description of replacement / upgrade, list of tasks/activities (transition plan) with estimated dates of completion and the notification strategy. Additionally, it will include the responsibilities for future residual support issues such as identifying media alternatives if technology changes; new software product transition plans and alternative support issues (once the application is removed); parallel operations of retiring and the new software product; archiving of the software product, associated documentation, movement of logs, code; and accessibility of archive, data protection identification, and audit applicability.

12.3.2  Post-Termination Review Report

A report at the end of the process that details the findings of the Disposition Phase review. It includes details of where to find all products and documentation that has been archived. Appendix C-38 provides a template for the Post-Termination Review Report.

12.3.3  Archived System

The packaged set of data and documentation containing the archived application.


Update of Security plans for archiving and the contingency plans to reestablish the system should be in place.

All documentation about the application, system logs and configuration will be archived along with the data and a copy of the Disposition Plan.


The Post-Termination Review shall be performed after the end of this final phase. This phase-end review shall be conducted within 6 months after disposition of the system. The Post-Termination Review Report documents the lessons learned from the shutdown and archiving of the terminated system.

Table of Contents | Chapter 11 | Chapter 13