Table of Contents | Appendix B | Appendix C-2



The Concept Proposal is the first document to be completed in the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The purpose is to highlight where strategic goals are not being met or where mission performance needs to be improved.

The Program Manager/Sponsor prepares the Concept Proposal for component CIO's and Executive Review Board (ERB) approval. The Concept Proposal should be no more than 2-5 pages in length and cover the following content:


The Concept Proposal should have a name of a system/project.

1.1      Originator

Identify the originator organization and sponsor/manager names with signatures. If an Integrated Project Team (IPT) is used, provide all the names of the team.

1.2      Date

The Concept Proposal should be dated.


Provide a brief description of the investment. Is this a software development effort, a modernization of a current system, purchasing COTS software, integration effort, etc. This should be a descriptive account of how and why the system concept was envisioned. All system development efforts should be addressed, including early prototypes or pilots.

2.1      Mission/Goals Investment Supports

Cite the latest DOJ/Component Strategic and Performance Plans. Explain how this investment will fit into those plans. Describe the magnitude and importance of the investment in relation to those goals. Discuss the timing of the investment. Indicate if other Governmental agencies or DOJ components are impacted.

2.2      Existing Structure

Evaluate where you are currently versus where you should be (i.e., baseline assessment). Analyze reasons for any performance gap. Relate to your current architecture and your IT Strategic Plans.

2.3      Benefits

Explain why expectations are not being met (i.e., what problems are occurring or anticipated). Identify the internal or external stakeholders or beneficiaries and what needs to be done to satisfy them. Identify specific areas where performance does not meet expectations. Identify the high level performance goals of this investment.

2.4      Warranted Investment

Does this investment support core/priority mission functions that need to be performed by the government? Is there another private sector or governmental source that can better support the function? Does the investment support simplified or redesigned work processes that reduce costs, improve effectiveness, and make maximum use of commercial off the shelf (COTS) technology?

2.5      Funding

Provide a rough order of magnitude estimate for the total acquisition costs. Identify the anticipated source of the investment throughout its life cycle.


Cover Page
Table of Contents

1.0       Title of Investment
            1.0       Originator
            1.2       Date

2.0       Description of Investment
            2.1       Mission/Goals Investment Supports
            2.2       Existing Structure
            2.3       Benefits
            2.4       Warranted Investment
            2.5       Funding

Table of Contents | Appendix B | Appendix C-2