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The Office on Women's Health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - The Federal Source for Women's Health Information
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Office on Women's Health

Ambassadors for ChangeThe CoE and CCOE Ambassadors for Change Program

The purpose of the National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health (CoE) / National Community Centers of Excellence in Women's Health (CCOE) - Ambassadors for Change (AFC) program is to continue the "one-stop shopping" or "centers without walls" models of women's health care that have been developed by these organizations at a new, more progressive and focused leadership level, and the provision of advice and guidance to other organizations interested in developing or implementing these unique models of care. The success of these programs, the expertise of the Centers' staff, and the pool of diverse women who may be available to participate in research, make these Centers a valuable resource to the OWH and other agencies within the Department.

The Ambassadors for Change must continue to:

  1. Develop and/or strengthen a framework to bring together a comprehensive array of services for women
  2. Train a cadre of diverse health care providers that include allied health professionals and community health worker
  3. Promote leadership/career development for diverse women in the health professions, including allied health professions and community health workers, and women/girls in the community
  4. Enhance public education and outreach activities in women's health with an emphasis on gender-specific and age-appropriate prevention and/or reduction of illness or injuries that appear controllable through increased knowledge that leads to a modification of behavior
  5. Participate in any national evaluation of the CoE and/or CCOE program
  6. Conduct basic, clinical and/or community-based research in women's health
  7. Provide advice and guidance to other organizations interested in learning more about the OWH CoE and CCOE programs

The current Ambassadors for Change are:



Current as of April 2007


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