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News for August 2008

08/31/08News article Brain 'Master Switch' May Control Appetite, Fertility
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 31, 2008
News article Newer Blood Pressure Drug Better for Some Heart Patients, Diabetics
08/30/08News article Health Highlights: Aug. 30, 2008
News article Sleepy Drivers Are Dangerous Drivers
08/29/08News article Alcohol in Early Pregnancy May Prompt Fetal Cell Death
News article Antioxidant-Rich Diet May Protect Against Eye Disease
News article Antipsychotic Drugs Boost Stroke Risk
News article Cataracts World's Leading Cause of Vision Loss
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 29, 2008
News article End-of-Life Choices a Complicated Affair
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 29, 2008
News article Health Tip: Take Care of Aging Skin
News article Health Tip: Warning Signs of a Bleeding Disorder
News article Leave That Ear Wax Alone
News article Mom's Smoking During Pregnancy Ups Preemie's SIDS Risk
News article Most Youths Tried as Adults Had Psychiatric Disorders
News article Some Hiroshima Survivors at Thyroid Cancer Risk
News article Study Questions Flu Shot's Mortality Protection for Elderly
News article Vaccines Seek to Offer Cradle-to-Grave Protection
08/28/08News article 13% of Seniors Report Being Mistreated
News article Bunion Surgery Patients Need 6 Weeks Before Driving
News article Cadmium Exposure Tied to Lung Disease
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 28, 2008
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 28, 2008
News article Health Tip: Help Prevent a Herniated Disk
News article Health Tip: Prepare a Fire Safety Plan
News article Most Patients With Irregular Heartbeat Take Inadequate Blood Thinner Dose
News article Normal Cells May Predict Cancer Virulence
News article Older Caregivers Prone to Worse Sleep Patterns
News article Protecting Newborns From a Dangerous Threat
News article Salmonella Outbreak Over, U.S. Says
News article Scientists Track Hourly Changes in Alzheimer's Protein
News article Treadmill Workouts Help Stroke Survivors
08/27/08News article 4 More Deaths Reported Among Byetta Patients
News article Angioplasty Scoring System Predicts Risk of Death
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 27, 2008
News article Combination Therapy Helps to Combat Myeloma
News article Fat Cells in Obese People Are 'Sick'
News article Gene Linked to 'Dry' Macular Degeneration
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 27, 2008
News article Health Tip: Leaving Your Children Alone
News article Health Tip: Using a Dietary Supplement
News article Low Levels of Brain Chemical May Control Appetite
News article Magnesium Sulfate Reduces Threat of Cerebral Palsy
News article Mental Skills Can Decline Years Before Dying
News article Mistaken Beliefs About Cancer Abound
News article New Test Identifies Heart Transplant Rejection
News article Newer Blood Pressure Drug No Better Than Placebo in Preventing Stroke
News article Pancreatic Cells Turned Into Insulin-Producing Beta Cells
News article Study Links Spanking to Physical Abuse
News article Tools Test Debunks 'Dumb Neanderthals' Theory
08/26/08News article 'Ayurvedic' Medicines May Contain Lead, Mercury or Arsenic
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 26, 2008
News article Drug May Lower Blood Pressure in Adolescents With Hypertension
News article Findings Challenge Tight Glucose Control for Critically Ill Patients
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 26, 2008
News article Health Tip: Exercise Your Brain
News article Health Tip: Taking an Antibiotic
News article Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Ups Risk for Other Cancers
News article Number of Uninsured Americans Drops
News article Nuts, Seeds, Popcorn Don't Boost Diverticulosis Risk
News article Preterm Births Linked to Infection of Amniotic Fluid
News article Scientists ID Pathway That Makes Antipsychotic Drugs Work
News article Single Rooms Becoming the Norm in New Hospitals
News article Tobacco Control Program Saved Billions in Health Costs
News article When Communication Is Lost
08/25/08Federal Press Release CDC Releases Tips for Parents and Educators on Electronic Media and Youth Violence
News article After Fits and Starts, New Hope for Psoriasis Patients
News article Antipsychotic Drug Use Up in Elderly Despite Warnings
News article Cheerleading Causes Majority of Female Athlete Injuries
News article Climate Change Linked to Longer Pollen Seasons
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 25, 2008
News article Finding May Allow Some Women to Stop Blood Thinners
News article Food Allergy Action Plan Can Keep Kids From Harm
News article For Rare Blood Disorder, Pumping Iron Is the Cure
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 25, 2008
News article Health Tip: Feeling Thirsty?
News article Health Tip: When Your Child Worries
News article LDL Cholesterol Tied to Increased Cancer Risk in Diabetics
News article Long-Term Exposure to Incense Raises Cancer Risk
News article One-Third of Schools Built in Air Pollution Danger Zones
News article Taking Codeine While Breast-Feeding May Harm Infant
News article Uninsured Get Less Health Care Than Insured
08/24/08News article 'Extended Cycle' Contraception Garners More Interest
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 24, 2008
News article Healthy Lunches Help Kids' Concentration in School
08/23/08News article Health Highlights: Aug. 23, 2008
News article Lung Association Urges Back-to-School Asthma Checklist
08/22/08News article Bone Marrow Treatment Approved for Rare Bleeding Disorder
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 22, 2008
News article Computer-Based Method IDs Alzheimer's Protein Structures
News article DEET Works Because Mosquitoes Hate the Smell
News article Early Childhood Factors Raise Risk for Snoring
News article FDA Investigates Possible Vytorin-Cancer Link
News article Gastric Band Weight-Loss Surgery Can Boost Reflux
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 22, 2008
News article Health Tip: Hair Treatments During Pregnancy
News article Health Tip: When Your Diabetic Child Takes a Trip
News article Home Smoking Ban Keeps Teens From Lighting Up
News article HRT After Menopause Reduces Symptoms
News article Intense Heat May Boost Tomato Antioxidant
News article Laser Technology Spots Cavities Before They Start
News article Marinades Help Keep Grilled Meat Safe
News article Molecule Keeps Bacteria Like Salmonella in Check
News article Smokers More Likely to Bleed After Throat Surgery
News article Study Examines How Rheumatoid Arthritis Destroys Bone
08/21/08Federal Press Release Update on measles outbreaks throughout the United States
News article 3.4 Million Seniors Hit Medicare 'Doughnut Hole'
News article Abstinence-Only Programs Fall Short of Teens' Needs
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 21, 2008
News article Dietary Supplements May Pose Risk to Older Cancer Survivors
News article Drug Stops Bone Loss From Breast Cancer Chemo
News article Experimental Drug Shows Early Promise Against Cystic Fibrosis
News article Face Transplants Show Promising Results
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 21, 2008
News article Health Tip: Monitor the Mercury in Your Food
News article Health Tip: Prepare for a Pap Test
News article Measles Cases Highest Since 1996
News article Scientists ID New Proteins in Programmed Cell Death
News article Spoonful of Sugar Really Might Help Medicine Go Down
News article Strokes Can Strike the Youngest
News article Text-Messaging Injuries Blamed on Distraction
News article Tobacco Marketing Promotes Youth Cigarette Use
News article Undecided Voters Not So Undecided After All
News article Underaged, Inebriated Easily Get Drinks at Stadiums
08/20/08Federal Press Release Regional Lung and Colorectal Cancer Rates in American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States
Federal Press Release Why Women Stop Breastfeeding
News article 79 Million Americans Struggle to Pay Medical Bills
News article Addiction Drug Causes Rapid Weight Loss in Rats
News article Bone Growth Protein Also Promotes 'Good' Fat
News article Calcium Might Have Taste Humans Can Detect
News article Cervical Cancer Vaccine Worth the Cost: Study
News article Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs Won't Cause Cancer
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 20, 2008
News article Compression Stockings Often Incorrectly Used
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 20, 2008
News article Health Tip: Before Your Mammogram
News article Health Tip: Prevent Bath Time Injuries
News article Modified MRI Spots Early Osteoarthritis
News article Preeclampsia Raises Risk of Serious Kidney Disease
News article Skin Cancer Carries Its Own Scent
News article Women's Alcohol Use Tied to Delayed Childbearing
08/19/08Federal Press Release CDC Launches CDC-TV On-Line Video Resource
News article Arsenic in Drinking Water Raises Diabetes Risk
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 19, 2008
News article Cognitive Score Changes Over Time May Hint at Dementia
News article ED Drug Relieves Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 19, 2008
News article Health Tip: Take a Healthy Hike
News article Health Tip: Who's Prone to Iron Deficiency?
News article Imaging System Lets Doctors 'See' Cancer During Surgery
News article Living to 100 Doesn't Mean Living Poorly
News article Low Vitamin D Raises Women's Hip Fracture Risk
News article Mathematical Model Helps Predict Cancer Tumor Size
News article Medicare Web Site Confounds Many Seniors
News article More Juices Found to Affect Drugs' Effectiveness: Study
News article Obesity Rates Up in 37 States: Report
News article Reaching the Heart Through the Wrist
News article Silver-Coated Ventilator Tubes Cut Risk of Pneumonia
News article Ultrasound Used to Predict Heart Attack Risk
News article Vitamin B, Folate Supplements Won't Help Heart
News article Zoledronic Acid Protects Bones of Women Getting Breast Cancer Treatment
08/18/08News article A Hope: Contaminant-Free Synthetic Heparin
News article Antidepressant Use Tied to Poorer Driving
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 18, 2008
News article Epilepsy Raises Drowning Risk
News article Gum Chewing May Speed Colon Surgery Recovery
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 18, 2008
News article Health Tip: Check Baby's Toys for Safety
News article Health Tip: Keep Cholesterol Under Control
News article Immune Response May Hinder Stem Cell Treatments
News article New Imaging Technique Could Spot Early Cancers
News article Newly Discovered Air Pollutants May Cause Lung Problems
News article Older Patients Less Likely to Be Taken to Trauma Centers
News article Poor Sleep Linked to High Blood Pressure in Teens
News article Science May Banish Bad Hair Days
News article Study Lets Teens Sound Off on Acne Therapies
News article Survivors of 1918 Flu Pandemic Immune 90 Years Later
08/17/08News article Health Highlights: Aug. 17, 2008
News article Pack Safety Should Be on Back-to-School Lists
08/16/08News article Freshman Weight Gain Has Many Culprits
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 16, 2008
08/15/08News article Asthma's Course Differs by Gender
News article Can Physical Cues Signal Dementia?
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 15, 2008
News article Drug Combo Cuts COPD Lung Function Loss
News article First Treatment Sanctioned for Chorea in Huntington's Patients
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 15, 2008
News article Health Tip: Managing a Chronic Illness
News article Health Tip: Sleep Positions While You're Pregnant
News article Medicare Prescription Drug Premiums to Rise in '09
News article Money Matters
News article Older Adults Reluctant to Question Surgical Treatment
News article Refs May Be Blinded by Red Uniforms
News article Rituximab Promotes Healing in Common Kidney Disease
News article Statins Help Obese People After Bypass Surgery
News article Statins Might Reverse ED in Some Men
News article Study Probes Internet Health-Related Search Patterns
News article Testosterone Associated With Disease Transmission
08/14/08News article Childhood Dairy Intake Boosts Bone Health Later On
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 14, 2008
News article Exercise Reduces Blood Pressure...
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 14, 2008
News article Health Tip: Don't Do Your Child's Homework
News article Health Tip: Help Control Irritable Bowel
News article Heart Drug Used in Ambulance Boosts Survival
News article How Long-Distance Runners Get to the Finish
News article Insurance Matters When It Comes to Kids' Health Care
News article Kids' Obesity Linked to Ear Infections
News article Lack of Energy in Old Age May Foretell Illness
News article Moisturizers Spur Skin Cancer in Mouse Study
News article New Lymphoma Drug Shows Promise
News article Safety Triggers, Training Cut Nail Gun Injuries
News article Stress, Anxiety Worsen Response to Allergens
News article Stroke Risk in Women Smokers Goes Up by Each Cigarette
08/13/08News article Air Pollution Can Damage Heart, Blood Vessels, Too
News article Angioplasty No Better Than Drug Treatment in Long Run
News article Blocking Drug-Related Memories May Prevent Relapses
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 13, 2008
News article Epilepsy Receiving Inadequate Attention
News article Golf Course Insecticides Pose Little Danger to Players
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 13, 2008
News article Health Tip: Beating Backpack Pain
News article Health Tip: Something in Your Eye?
News article Healthy Sex Life Can Extend Into 80s
News article HRT Drug Boosts Stroke Risk in Older Women
News article Infant Heart Transplant Controversy Continues
News article Many Hispanics Shut Out of U.S. Health Care System
News article Men and Women Calculate Cost of Affairs
News article More U.S. Women Getting Birth Control Services
News article Physical Frailty Could Predict Alzheimer's Disease
News article Poor Coordination in Childhood Tied to Adult Obesity
08/12/08Federal Press Release Key Gaps Remain in Understanding Health Effects of Vitamin D
News article Breakfast Eggs Keep Folks on Diet
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 12, 2008
News article Diabetes Onset, Severity Tied to Cognitive Problems
News article Drinking Problems Greater Among Returning Combat Veterans
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 12, 2008
News article Health Tip: Prepare Yourself for Surgery
News article Health Tip: Read to Your Toddler
News article New Chemotherapy Combo Holds Promise for Lung Cancer
News article New Test Scans Beef for Mad Cow Disease
News article Older Patients With Cancer at Heightened Suicide Risk
News article PET Scans May Help Detect Alzheimer's Brain Plaques
News article Post-Surgical Epidural May Boost Survival
News article Postmenopausal Women With Breast Cancer Face Joint Issues
News article Risk of Breast Cancer Relapse Can Linger
News article Surgery Helps With Prostate Cancer, Sometimes
News article Viread Approved for Hepatitis B
News article Weight Loss After Diabetes Diagnosis Offers Big Benefits: Study
08/11/08News article Athletes' Study Shows Pride, Shame Universal Behaviors
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 11, 2008
News article Gene Treatment in Mice Makes Old Liver Cells Young
News article Gene Variant May Predispose Some to Anxiety
News article Half of U.S. Adults Lack 20/20 Vision
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 11, 2008
News article Health Tip: Get a Good Night's Sleep While Pregnant
News article Health Tip: What to Wear While Running
News article Lack of Vitamin D Boosts Death Risk
News article Low-Birth-Weight Babies at Risk for Salt Sensitivity
News article Married Folks Still the Healthiest
News article One in 5 Young Men Had Prostate Screen in Past Year
News article Powerful Antacid Drugs Raise Fracture Risk
News article Researchers Hunt Normal Cells That Give Rise to Cancer
News article Run for Your Life
News article Scientists Create Mice Resistant to Obesity
News article Stroke Risk Plummets With Healthy Lifestyle
News article Studies Refine Obesity's Risk for Heart Troubles
News article U.S. Hospitals Underutilize Proven Heart Failure Therapy
08/09/08News article 2 Checklists Aid Those Over 50 With Medical Decisions
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 9, 2008
08/08/08Federal Press Release Reductions in Smoking Show Promise for Reducing Home Fire Deaths
News article Breast-Feeding: The Stress Buster That Lasts for Years
News article Chickenpox Protection: Get That Booster
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 8, 2008
News article Disease-Specific Stem Cell Lines Developed
News article Easing Your Teens Into the Back-to-School Schedule
News article Fat Cell Protein Boosts Heart Attack Risk in Elderly
News article Gene Variant May Decide Who Smokes and for How Long
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 8, 2008
News article Health Tip: Keep Gestational Diabetes Under Control
News article Health Tip: Prevent Constipation
News article Interrupted Night Sleep Worse for Cognitive Function
News article New Technique Removes Gallbladder Without External Incisions
News article New Therapy Freezes Out Esophageal Cancers
News article Obese Men Face Twin Threat From Prostate Cancer
News article Soy Protein Doesn't Lower Cholesterol
News article Too Much Salt Boosts Blood Pressure
News article Turbulence Predicts Death Risk for Heart Failure Patients
08/07/08News article 2 New Genes Tied to 3 Cancers
News article B Cells Can Act Alone in Autoimmune Diseases
News article Blood Sugar Test May Also Aid Diabetes Detection
News article Breaking the News About Breast Cancer
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 7, 2008
News article Death From Febrile Seizure Rare in Children
News article Fat Deposits Boost Heart Attack Risk
News article Gene Behind Rare Eye Disease in Dachshunds Discovered
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 7, 2008
News article Health Tip: Detecting False Labor
News article Health Tip: Managing Your Child's Migraines
News article Many Miss Out on Stroke Treatment
News article Medical Blogs May Threaten Patient Privacy
News article Men More Likely Than Women to Adopt Children
News article Most Americans Want Health Care Reform
News article Protein Key to Brain Rewiring
News article Robot Playmates Help Autistic Kids With Social Skills
08/06/08News article Americans Drinking Less Alcohol
News article Autistic Children Make Limited Eye Contact
News article Brain Slow to Judge Fast-Moving Objects Head-On
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 6, 2008
News article ER, Doctor Visits Topped 1 Billion in 2006
News article Exercise Lowers Risk of Colon Cancer
News article GI Bleeding After Stroke Raises Death Risk
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 6, 2008
News article Health Tip: Can't Sleep?
News article Health Tip: Wash Your Hands
News article Light Exercise Prevents Atrial Fibrillation in Elderly
News article Light Stretching Improves Range of Joint Motion
News article Medicinal Marijuana Eases Neuropathic Pain in HIV
News article Monitoring Hormone May Improve Kidney Failure Outcomes
News article One-Fifth of British Childhood Cancer Survivors Smoke
News article Researchers Find Genes That Influence West Nile Virus
News article Study Links Agent Orange to Prostate Cancer in Vietnam Vets
News article What's in a Name? When It Comes to Drugs, Plenty
08/05/08Federal Press Release FDA Approves 2008-2009 Flu Vaccines
News article Brain Pathway Yields Clues to Cigarette Addiction
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 5, 2008
News article Commonly Used HIV Infectivity Rate Misses Risks
News article DNA Helps Trace History of Human Migration
News article FDA OKs Flu Vaccines for 2008-09 Season
News article Fish May Ward Off Dementia and Stroke
News article For Psychiatrists, Talk Therapy Falling by Wayside
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 5, 2008
News article Health Tip: Before You Take Medication
News article Health Tip: Keep Baby From Heat Rash
News article HIV Drug Might Spur Resistant Strains of Virus
News article Laser Therapy as Good as Drugs for Diabetic Eye Problems
News article Many Women Struggle With Challenge of a Newborn
News article New Test Diagnoses Anemia in Chronic Disease
News article Nurturing Parents Can Cut Risk of Aggression in Girls
News article Vitamin C Shows Promise as Cancer Treatment
08/04/08News article Blood-Thinner Plavix Works Harder in Smokers
News article Children in Blended Families Still Close to Biological Mothers
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 4, 2008
News article Diving Accidents Common Among U.S. Kids
News article Estrogen May Have Preventive Role in Women's Schizophrenia
News article Excessive Drinking Boosts Risk for Metabolic Syndrome
News article Health Highlights: Aug. 4, 2008
News article Health Tip: Get Rid of Allergens
News article Health Tip: Good Health for Men
News article Immigrant Children Less Likely to Exercise
News article Immunotherapy Boosts Treatment of Kids' High-Risk Sarcomas
News article Injected Drug Approved for High Blood Pressure
News article Kids Who Sleep Poorly at Risk for Being Overweight
News article Many Cancer Patients Turn to Complementary Medicine
News article Many Kids Under 15 Watch Violent Movies
News article New Guidelines Rule Out Prostate Screening for Men Over 75
News article Once-Daily Combo Works for New HIV Patients
News article One-Third of Uninsured Are Chronically Ill
News article OTC Cold Medicines Sending Children to Emergency Rooms
News article Researchers Push Aggressive Cholesterol Control in Kids
08/03/08News article Health Highlights: August 3, 2008
News article New HIV/AIDS Guidelines Suggest Earlier Treatment
News article Number of New U.S. HIV Infections Gets Revised Upwards
News article Video Consultations Effective for Stroke Treatment
08/02/08News article Flu Vaccine Doesn't Protect Seniors From Pneumonia
News article Health Highlights: August 2, 2008
News article Orthopedic Surgeons Weigh in on Pool Safety
08/01/08Federal Press Release NIDDK Resource Helps Guide Women with Diabetes through Healthy Pregnancies
News article 1976 Italian Dioxin Release Damaged Babies' Thyroids
News article Breast CT Scans Could Be Comfortable Alternative to Mammograms
News article Cannabis-Linked Cell Receptor Might Help Prevent Colon Cancer
News article Centenarians Offer Long-Life Secrets
News article Clinical Trials Update: Aug. 1, 2008
News article Creatine Has Negligible Effect on COPD Exercise Rehab
News article Drug Resistance Is Slowing Global Fight Against TB
News article Health Highlights: August 1, 2008
News article Health Tip: Pain Reliever Side Effects
News article Health Tip: Questions to Ask Your Doctor When You're Pregnant
News article Immune System Protein Predicts Toxic Shock Survival
News article Methadone Kills Resistant Leukemia Cells
News article Neurons Can Re-Grow in Some MS Lesions
News article Ob/Gyn Group Urges Routine HIV Tests for All Women
News article Sleep Apnea Boosts Death Risk
News article Taking Depression to Heart
News article Wives Often Head Home When Husband's Workload Grows

Last updated Nov 04, 2008 16:45:10

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