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News for May 2008

05/31/08News article Health Highlights: May 31, 2008
05/30/08News article Bacterial Infection May Boost SIDS Risk
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 30, 2008
News article Dermatologists Release Psoriasis Care Guidelines
News article Football Can Shrink Players
News article Genetic Disorder Drug Helps Reverse Heart Muscle Enlargement
News article Green Tea Antioxidant May Help Prevent Alzheimer's
News article Health Highlights: May 30, 2008
News article Health Tip: Diet for People With Alzheimer's
News article Health Tip: Living With a Pacemaker
News article Injury Patterns Similar for 'Circus' Artists, Elite Athletes
News article Mediterranean Diet May Ward Off Type 2 Diabetes
News article More Young People Going Without Health Insurance
News article Ozone-Depleting Inhalers Being Phased Out
News article Panel Calls for Better Diabetes Screening
News article Rotigotine Skin Patch May Ease Restless Legs Symptoms
News article Some Fats Deserve Change of Heart
05/29/08News article Active Social Life Helps Keep Aging Mind Sharp
News article Anti-Rejection Drug May Boost Diabetes in Kidney Transplant Patients
News article Certain Tests in ERs Raise Cancer Risk for Some
News article Clinical Guideline Backs Food, Drink During Labor
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 29, 2008
News article Daily Glass of Wine Cut Risk of Fatty Liver Disease
News article Health Highlights: May 29, 2008
News article Health Tip: Dealing With Exercise-Induced Asthma
News article Health Tip: Giving Your Child Medicine
News article Initiative Links Celebrities to Cancer Research
News article Knee Injuries Main Cause of HS Sports Surgeries
News article Monkey Controls Robotic Arm With Brain
News article Researchers Develop Stem Line With Sickle Cell Mutation
News article Seizures Likely Sign of Brain Injury After Stroke
News article Type of Tomato Product Determines Power Against Prostate Cancer
05/28/08News article Adults With ADHD Lose 3 Weeks Worth of Work Annually
News article Air Bags-Seat Belts Cut Injuries, Deaths, Costs
News article Brain May Ignore Bladder Signals, Causing Bedwetting
News article C-Sections Explain Jump in U.S. Preemie Births
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 28, 2008
News article FDA Proposes New Drug Labels for Pregnant Women
News article Gut Bacteria Fights Inflammatory Bowel Disease
News article Health Highlights: May 28, 2008
News article Health Tip: Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy
News article Health Tip: Take a Short Nap
News article Ibuprofen No Better at Reducing Alzheimer's Risk
News article Lead Exposure in Childhood Linked to Criminal Behavior Later
News article New Compound Slows HIV Replication
News article Scientists Break Into HIV 'Hideout'
News article Secondhand Smoke Leaves Kids Prone to Severe Infections
News article States' Scorecard Finds Big Differences in Kids' Health Care
News article Study IDs Gene for Late-Onset Alzheimer's
News article TV Commercials Color Gender Choices for Careers
News article Two Drugs Show Promise Against Severe Constipation
05/27/08News article Antidepressants May Prevent Depression After Stroke
News article Antipsychotics Dangerous for Elderly With Dementia
News article Best Treatment for Vertigo Is Easiest One
News article Cancer Patients Should Steer Clear of Antioxidants
News article Childhood Obesity May Be Leveling Off
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 27, 2008
News article Common Genetic Variant Tied to Lung Cancer Risk
News article Dialysis Catheter Placement Makes Little Difference in Infection Risk
News article Enriched Cocoa Improves Blood Flow in Diabetics
News article Gum Disease Might Boost Cancer Risk
News article Health Highlights: May 27, 2008
News article Health Tip: Exposure to Secondhand Smoke
News article Health Tip: Get Your Child Back to Bed
News article Many With Heart Disease Don't Know Signs of Heart Attack
News article Men With Low Testosterone Not Receiving Treatment
News article New Calcium Measure Better Predictor of Heart Risks
News article Paclitaxel Plus Chemo Improves Outcomes in Early Breast Cancer
News article Spending Doesn't Improve Patients' Perception of Care
News article Vitamin D Status Not Associated With Lower Prostate Risk
05/26/08News article Cane Use May Cut Progression of Knee Osteoarthritis
News article Don't Leave Diet Out to Lunch on Vacation
News article Health Highlights: May 26, 2008
News article Health Tip: Taming a Sweet Tooth
News article Health Tip: Water Safety
News article Know the Warning Signs of Stroke
News article Laser Therapy a New Option for Vocal-Cord Cancers
05/25/08News article Health Highlights: May 25, 2008
News article Just Like Skin, Eyes Can 'Burn' in Strong Sun
05/24/08News article Drowsy Drivers Make Holiday Weekend Among the Most Dangerous
News article Health Highlights: May 24, 2008
05/23/08News article Asthma Associated With Suicidal Thoughts, Attempts
News article Basketball Star Details His Struggle With Gout
News article Carbon Monoxide May Help Bypass Surgery Patients
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 23, 2008
News article Drug for Deadly Lung Disease Shows Promise
News article Genetic Variation May Explain Preferences for Sugar
News article Health Highlights: May 23, 2008
News article Health Tip: Common Triggers for Allergy and Asthma
News article Health Tip: Talk to Loved Ones About Your Alzheimer's
News article Kids Think Glasses Make Others Look Smart, Honest
News article Lifestyle Changes Can Keep Diabetes at Bay for 14 Years
News article Light Alcohol Consumption May Help Bones
News article New Antioxidant Drug Shows Promise Against Diabetes
News article New Hope for Liver Diseases
News article Obese Patients at Greater Infection Risk After Hip Replacement
News article Patch Form of HRT Poses Less Clotting Risks Than Pill Does
News article Patients Pleased With Laparoscopic GERD Surgery
News article Sea Buckthorn Leaves May Hold Benefit for the Liver
05/22/08News article 'Food Clock' May Override Master Sleep Clock in Times of Duress
News article 'Net, Video Tools Successful in Lung Disease Management
News article 9/11 Workers Face Chronic Mental Impairment
News article CARDIA Studies Open Window on Heart, Lung Diseases
News article Cholesterol Test Spots When HRT Raises Heart Risks
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 22, 2008
News article Coxsackievirus Infections Spiked in 2007: CDC
News article Green Tea May Help Brain Cope With Sleep Disorders
News article Health Highlights: May 22, 2008
News article Health Tip: Keeping Off the Weight
News article Health Tip: Listen to Your Child's Breathing
News article Home Blood-Pressure Monitoring Recommended
News article Lowering Cholesterol May Also Lower Prostate Cancer Risk
News article Lung Trouble Associated With Sickle Cell in Kids
News article Probiotics Help Adult Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery
News article U.S. Web Site Helps Consumers Compare Hospitals
05/21/08Federal Press Release Smokers Flock Together and Quit Together
News article Beer Drinking May Speed Pancreatic Cancer Onset
News article Childhood Asthma, Allergies Traced to Womb
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 21, 2008
News article Combo Kidney-Pancreas Transplant Boosts Survival in Diabetics
News article Day of Admission Dictates Length of Stay for Heart Failure
News article Entereg Helps Restore Post-Operative Bowel Function
News article Health Highlights: May 21, 2008
News article Health Tip: Heart-Healthy Diet Should Start in Infancy
News article Health Tip: Soothing a Child's Sunburn
News article ICU Docs Less Likely to Discuss End-of-Life Issues With Blacks
News article Metabolic Syndrome Foretells Diabetes in Elderly
News article Mixed Results for Anti-Clotting Drugs in Heart Attacks
News article Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Dry Dog Food
News article Simple Case Management Cuts Pulmonary Disease Admissions
News article Sleep Apnea Linked to Heart Risks in Children
News article Smokers Quit in Droves, Not Isolation
News article Some Iraq War Vets Suffer Breathing Problems
News article Surgical Outcomes Depend on a Host of Variables
News article Ted Kennedy Released From Hospital
News article Two Drugs for Heart Failure Show Mixed Results
News article Vulnerability to Shingles May Hinge on Family
05/20/08News article Black Men Less Likely to Choose Elective Stomach Aorta Surgery
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 20, 2008
News article Educational Drive Cut Death Rate From Sepsis
News article Gene Therapy May Treat Erectile Dysfunction
News article Health Highlights: May 20, 2008
News article Health Tip: Prevent Ingrown Toenails
News article Health Tip: Walking for Exercise
News article Hormone Therapy Safe, Effective for Women Entering Menopause
News article More Dialysis Not Better in Acute Kidney Injury
News article New Latent TB Drug Saves Lives, Money
News article Oxidized LDL Cholesterol Linked to Metabolic Syndrome
News article Radiation Improves Survival for Advanced Prostate Cancer
News article Repeat Colonoscopies Underused in High-Risk Patients
News article Sleep-Deprived Brains Show Lapse in Visual Processing
News article Smallpox Drug May Protect Against Common Cold
News article Sorafenib Shows Promise for Heart-Lung Disease
News article Ted Kennedy Has a Brain Tumor
News article Teen Blood Donors More Prone to Complications
News article Ventilator Relieves Lung Cancer Pain in Final Hours
05/19/08News article Advances Aid Treatment, Diagnosis of Celiac Disease
News article Blood Test for Early Lung Cancer Shows Promise
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 19, 2008
News article Cosmetic Skin Fillers May Cause Delayed Side Effects
News article Erectile Dysfunction a Strong Harbinger of Heart Trouble
News article Firefighters May Face Higher Risk of Bladder Cancer
News article Health Highlights: May 19, 2008
News article Health Tip: If Your Child is Having Surgery
News article Health Tip: What Your Bones Need
News article Kidney Cancers More Likely to Be Diagnosed Early
News article Many Diabetics Don't Get Necessary Blood Pressure Treatment
News article Minneapolis Tops List of Heart-Friendly Cities for Women
News article Protein Helps ID Thyroid Cancer Nodules
News article Radiation for Prostate Cancer Raises Risk of Other Cancers
News article Silver-Coated Endotracheal Tubes Cut Down on Infections
News article Sleep Disorders Put Stroke, Blood Pressure Patients at Risk
News article U.S. Turns Spotlight on Medicine's Most Puzzling Cases
05/18/08News article Air Travel Taxes Hearts of People With Sleep Apnea
News article Depression, PTSD Common Among Lung Transplant Patient Caregivers
News article Health Highlights: May 18, 2008
News article Mom's Stress in Pregnancy May Up Baby's Asthma and Allergy Risk
News article New Surgical Technology Holds Promise of Painless, Scarless Procedures
News article New Technology Speeds GI Disease Diagnosis
News article Prostate Cancer Vaccine Looks Promising in Early Trial
News article Replacement Bladder Grown From Body's Own Cells
News article Study Finds Gender Disparity in Community-Acquired Pneumonia
05/17/08News article Cheaper Earrings More Likely to Contain Nickel
News article FDA Panel Considers Toll-Free Number for TV Drug Ads
News article Health Highlights: May 17, 2008
News article Low Vitamin D Tied to Depression in Older Adults
News article Sen. Edward Kennedy Hospitalized After Seizure
05/16/08News article Blood Test Helps Docs Assess Breast Cancer Treatment
News article Childhood Cancer Survivors Prone to Early Heart Trouble
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 16, 2008
News article Drug Works Well for Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis
News article Gene Signature May Predict Recurrence of Lung Cancer
News article Health Highlights: May 16, 2008
News article Health Tip: Poison Ivy Rash
News article Health Tip: Preparing Your Pet for Baby
News article Islet Cell Transplants Aid Type 1 Diabetics
News article Low Levels of Vitamin D Spell Trouble for Breast Cancer Patients
News article Mastectomies on the Increase
News article New Therapy Kills Human Leukemia Cells in Mice
News article Not All Colon Cancer Patients Need Chemotherapy: Study
News article Outcomes Similar for Laparoscopic, Open Colon Cancer Surgeries
News article Partnerships Effective Communicators of Cancer Advances
News article Study Details Look at Immune Cells in Type 1 Diabetes
News article Vitamin D Use Linked to Lower Mortality in Kidney Patients
05/15/08Federal Press Release Shingles Vaccine Recommended for People Age 60 and Older
News article Acne Drug Prevents Tissue Damage From Emphysema
News article CDC Recommends Shingles Vaccine for Those Over 60
News article Chemo for Mesothelioma Offers Limited Survival Benefits
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 15, 2008
News article Embryonic Pathways Induce Stem Cell Traits
News article Genes Play Part in Prostate Cancer Among Races
News article Health Highlights: May 15, 2008
News article Health Tip: Keeping the Caregiver Healthy
News article Health Tip: Traveling During Pregnancy
News article Heart Device Recipients Often Not Aware of Recalls
News article Hot Flashes Reduced by Neck Injection
News article Lowering Dietary Fat May Help Prevent Prostate Cancer
News article New Guidelines Issued for Implanted Heart Devices
News article New Laser Approved to Treat Psoriasis
News article Statins May Help Older Women Control Irregular Heartbeat
News article Stroke Patients at High Risk for Falls
News article Weight-Loss Aids Bought on Internet Might Harm Your Heart
05/14/08News article Aspirin at Bedtime Lowers Blood Pressure
News article Biomarkers Predict Heart Deaths
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 14, 2008
News article Clot-Busting Treatment Improves Bleeding Stroke Outcomes
News article Common Drug Eases Leg Pain From Walking
News article Danger From Heart Surgery Drug Confirmed
News article Death Gap Widens Between Educated and Those Not
News article Excess Drinking Boosts Cardiovascular Disease Risk
News article Health Highlights: May 14, 2008
News article Health Tip: Facts About Fleas
News article Health Tip: Harmful Chemicals in Your Home
News article Heart Disease Starts Early in Life
News article HPV Tied to Better Tongue, Tonsil Cancer Outcomes
News article Migraine Medications May Cause 'Serotonin Syndrome'
News article Music Hath Charms to Calm Hypertension
News article Pollution Particles Impair Blood Vessel Function
News article Study Supports Popular HIV Drug Regimen
News article Waterpipe Smoking in Colleges Could Become Public Health Problem
05/13/08News article Beta Blockers Raise Stroke, Death Risk After Surgery
News article Breast-feeding Might Shield Women From Rheumatoid Arthritis
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 13, 2008
News article Doctors Can Help Lower Hospital Costs
News article Health Highlights: May 13, 2008
News article Health Tip: Can You Quit Smoking Without Weight Gain?
News article Health Tip: Reducing Rosacea
News article Marijuana Use May Raise Risk of Heart Attack, Stroke
News article Therapy Yields Promise for Fatal Neurological Condition
News article Women Who Quit Smoking Lower Heart Risks Quickly
05/12/08News article Air Pollution Linked to Blood Clots in Legs
News article Celebrex, Naproxen Won't Prevent Mental Decline
News article Decoding Muscle Stem Cell Development
News article Drugs Alone Don't Lower Heart Disease Risks for Overweight Americans
News article Drugs for Restless Legs Syndrome Have Downsides
News article Electrode Placement Key to Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Patients
News article Gene May Be Key to Pregnancy Complication
News article Health Highlights: May 12, 2008
News article Health Tip: Baby's Transition From Liquid Diet
News article Health Tip: Using Hair Dyes
News article High Blood Pressure Still Slipping Past Doctors
News article High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol Associated With Eye Disease
News article Multiple Sclerosis Affects Children's Cognitive Skills
News article New MRI Technique Detects Subtle Brain Injuries
News article Problem Gambling Common Among Young Adults
News article Viagra May Protect Hearts of Some Muscular Dystrophy Patients
05/11/08News article Health Highlights: May 11, 2008
News article Nasal Irrigation Can Help Fight Spring Allergies
News article Scoliosis: An Unnatural Curve
05/10/08News article Health Highlights: May 10, 2008
News article Newer Prostate Cancer Treatment Similar to Traditional Surgery
News article Protective Eyewear Key to Sports Safety
05/09/08News article Acrylamide Raises Kidney Cancer Risk
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 9, 2008
News article Demanding Jobs May Pay Cognitive Dividends in Retirement
News article Drug-Coated Stents Still Spark Debate
News article Fighting a Fungus That Thrives on Tomatoes
News article Flavonoids May Help Treat Alzheimer's
News article Group B Strep Down Among Newborns, Up Among Adults
News article Health Highlights: May 9, 2008
News article Health Tip: Coping With Alzheimer's
News article Health Tip: Signs of Depression
News article Mood Disorders Put Breast Cancer Patients at Risk for PTSD
News article New Class of Drugs Might Treat Many Conditions
News article Noise in Artery Could Warn of Heart Risk
News article Steno 'Superbug' Genome Shows Extreme Drug Resistance
News article Telemedicine a Cost-Effective Alternative to ER Visits
News article Training Student Leaders Cuts Peers' Smoking Rates
News article Young Adults Using Alcohol, Drugs for Better Sex
05/08/08Federal Press Release Arthritis Can be a Barrier for Adults Seeking to Manage Diabetes through Physical Activity
News article Arthritis Hits More Than Half of Diabetics
News article Breast Cancer Tends to Grow Faster in Younger Women
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 8, 2008
News article Computer Program Helps Drug Abusers Stay Clean
News article Fairness Is a Hard-Wired Emotion
News article Fetal Gene May Contribute to Diabetes Risk
News article Gene Variant Boosts Risk of Severe Diabetic Eye, Kidney Diseases
News article Health Highlights: May 8, 2008
News article Health Tip: Discussing Death With Children
News article Health Tip: Treating an Ulcer
News article Mental Illness Costs U.S. Billions in Lost Earnings
News article Outside Workers Least Likely to Get Skin Exams
News article Secret to Treating Tinnitus in Vets May Be Unlocked in Zebrafish
News article Stroke Survivors Walk Better With Human Help
News article Study Offers Clues to Link Between Arrhythmia, Sudden Death
News article TV Coverage of Tragedies Often Lacks Prevention Messages
05/07/08Federal Press Release Mothers' High Normal Blood Sugar Levels Place Infants at Risk for Birth Problems
Federal Press Release Tips on Eating Well as You Get Older from NIHSeniorHealth
News article Bipolar Disorder Might Be Overdiagnosed
News article Cleaner Air May Threaten Amazon Rainforest
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 7, 2008
News article Docs Issue Guideline on Screening for Osteoporosis in Men
News article Electronic Pillbox Helps Seniors Stick to Drug Regimens
News article Gene Variation Linked to Neuroblastoma, a Childhood Cancer
News article Health Highlights: May 7, 2008
News article Health Tip: Foods That Can Aggravate Heartburn
News article Health Tip: Good Shoes Can Prevent Falls
News article High Blood Sugar Tied to Pregnancy Complications
News article Hunger Hormone Makes Food Look More Tasty
News article Quarter of Disabled Seniors Use Risky Medications
News article Researchers Publish Genome Sequence for Duck-Billed Platypus
News article Several Therapies Show Promise for Vascular Depression
News article Soccer's a Winner for Building Bone Health in Girls
News article Some Weight-Loss Drugs Might Disrupt Brain Growth in Kids
News article Virtual Reality Therapy May Help PTSD Patients
05/06/08News article Alcoholism Gender Gap Is Closing
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 6, 2008
News article Corticosteroids of Little Use Against Childhood Meningitis
News article Costs Can Vary By $100 or More for Same Drugs
News article Doctors Discover Marker for Meconium Passage During Delivery
News article Folic Acid Doesn't Help the Heart
News article Grapefruit Compound Inhibits Hepatitis C Virus
News article Health Highlights: May 6, 2008
News article Health Tip: Running Safely
News article Health Tip: X-Rays at the Dentist
News article Imaging Advances Map Brain Areas Affecting Mood
News article Kidney Trouble Short-Lived in Most Liver Transplant Patients
News article Many Ob-Gyn Textbooks Lack Good Info on Breast-Feeding
News article Many Teen Drivers Don't Think They're Inexperienced
News article Noninvasive Procedures Show Promise for Esophageal Bleeding
News article Obesity-Related Inflammation Boosts Heart Risks
News article Researchers Find Lubricant Doesn't Hinder Fertility
05/05/08News article Adopted Children at Slightly Higher Mental Health Risk
News article Anti-Clotting Drug as Good as Aspirin at Stopping Second Stroke
News article Autistic Kids More Likely to Have Parents With Mental Illness
News article Botox Works on Muscle Disorders But Not Migraines
News article BRCA Mutations Don't Spot All High-Risk Women
News article Breast-Feeding May Boost IQ
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 5, 2008
News article Ethnicity Plays Role in Parents' Treatment of Childhood Fever
News article Federal Health Plan for Children Still Leaves Needs Unmet
News article Health Highlights: May 5, 2008
News article Health Tip: Facts About Hay Fever
News article Health Tip: Is Your Baby in Pain?
News article Heart Hormone Elevated in Children Who Wet Bed
News article Ibuprofen Linked to Reduced Alzheimer's Risk
News article Low-Income Moms Rarely Speak to Infants During TV/Video Time
News article Malpractice Premiums, Rate of C-Sections Rise Together
News article Many Moms Unwilling to Have Younger Daughters Get HPV Vaccine
News article One-Third of Parents Lack Facts About Child Development
News article Protein May Trigger Colon Cancer
News article Unraveling the Link Between Genes and Environment
05/04/08News article Health Highlights: May 4, 2008
05/03/08News article 10% of U.S. Kids Using Cough Medicine Every Week
News article Common Medications Could Cause Physical Impairment in the Elderly
News article Health Highlights: May 3, 2008
News article Middle Class Uninsured Kids' Health Risk Almost as High as Poor Children's
05/02/08News article 'Virtual' Health Teams Boost Patient Care
News article 9/11 Counselors at Risk for Secondary Trauma
News article Biomarker Spots Which Lesions Likely to Progress to Prostate Cancer
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 2, 2008
News article Daily Aspirin May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
News article Diabetes Seems to Heighten Glaucoma Risk
News article Government Picks Up Health Tab of Uninsured Workers
News article Health Highlights: May 2, 2008
News article Health Tip: Activities for People With Alzheimer's
News article Health Tip: Healing Mentally After a Heart Attack
News article Less Money Means More Hurting
News article New Targets Found That Stop Tumor Growth
News article Pregnancy and Work Can Work
News article Simple Steps Lead to Better Blood Pressure Control
News article Sleep Troubles Vary Between Alzheimer's Patients, Caregivers
News article Special Diet Can Ease Epileptic Seizures in Kids
News article Suffering of Heart Failure Similar to Cancer
News article Treating Stomach Infection Early Protects Against Cancer
News article Younger Women Often Miss Signs of Heart Attack
05/01/08News article 3 Women Suffer Kidney Failure After Derriere Injections
News article Alzheimer's Disease Risk Factors May Be Gender-Specific
News article Clinical Trials Update: May 1, 2008
News article Complications Found in Proposed Prostate Cancer Treatment
News article Delusions Common in Pediatric ICU
News article Exercise, Counseling Benefits Depressed Heart Failure Patients
News article Free Asthma Screenings Offered in May
News article Health Highlights: May 1, 2008
News article Health Tip: Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
News article Health Tip: Risk Factors for Gestational Diabetes
News article Home Monitoring Program Improves Outcomes for Heart Patients
News article Hypertension Takes Huge Toll in Developing Countries
News article Incubators Affect Newborns' Heart Rates
News article Measles Outbreak Rises to 64 Cases, Most Since 2001
News article Napping Habits Tied to Sleep Disorders
News article Obesity May Worsen Impact of Asthma
News article Ranibizumab Injections Reduce Retinal Swelling

Last updated Nov 04, 2008 16:45:06

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