The Goshute Mountains and the Toano Range are segments of a continuous mountain range in northeastern Nevada separated only by Morgan Pass, a high divide in the central part of the range. Our investigation extends from White Horse Pass, 32 km south of Morgan Pass, to Silver Zone Pass, almost 32 km north of Morgan Pass (fig. 1). This segment is herein termed the Goshute-Toano Range. The Goshute-Toano Range, as so defined, lies within a region of Mesozoic contraction (Coats and Riva, 1983; Ketner, 1984; Thorman and others, 1991) and Mesozoic to Tertiary extension (Hodges and Walker, 1992).

Our investigation began in 1984 as an effort sponsored by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management to assess the mineral potential of the Bluebell and Goshute Peak Wilderness Study Areas, which occupy much of the Goshute-Toano Range. That task, which involved mapping the entire range between White Horse and Silver Zone Passes, was completed in 1986. Recently, part of the mapped area was revised in an attempt to understand more fully the basic features of the structural and igneous history. The geology of large parts of the Goshute-Toano Range was described previously (Day and others, 1987; Ketner 1987; Ketner and others, 1987). The geology north of Silver Zone Pass was mapped and described by Glick (1987); the area immediately south of the pass within the Silver Zone Pass quadrangle was mapped by D.M. Miller (unpub. mapping).



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USGS Professional Papers

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