Publication Citation

USGS Series Professional Paper
Report Number 1600
Title Stratigraphy and depositional environments of middle Proterozoic rocks, northern part of the Lemhi Range, Lemhi County, Idaho
Edition -
Language ENGLISH
Author(s) Tysdal, Russell G.
Year 2000
Originating office
USGS Library Call Number (200) B no.1600
Physical description 40 p.

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Geologic mapping shows Middle Proterozoic strata form two packages of strata north and south of the Tertiary Lem Peak normal fault. Strata north of the fault, the main focus of this report, contain thicknesses and lithofacies of the Big Creek and Apple Creek formations of the Lemhi Group that contrast with those south of the fault. Strata south of the fault, examined mainly in reconnaissance, may have been thrust eastward prior to being downdropped.