Eat a Variety of Fruits & Vegetables Every Day
For Health Professionals


Fruit and Vegetable Benefits

Fruit and Vegetable of the Month

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For Coordinators

Coordinator Calendar

June Coordinator's Tips

Encourage your audience to eat bananas. They are a source of potassium and can add a natural sweetness to many recipes. Focus on their convenience and affordability. Bananas are not messy and easy to eat on the go and they are "in season" all year round making them a less expensive fruit.

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Father's Day is on June 18th. Encourage your audience to celebrate Father's Day and National Men's Health Week by setting some new traditions with plenty of tasty, colorful fruits and vegetables. Try grilling vegetables—Men love to grill!

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Mangos are a delicious tropical fruit packed with beta-carotene. Actually, mangos provide the highest amount of beta-carotene of any fruit! They are in season from January to June so they are less expensive during these months.

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One of the main reasons American children and adolescents are overweight is lack of physical activity. Encourage children and families to find a new sport or activity they would like to try. Summer is a great time to participate in sports camps. Encourage your audience to go online and check out camps and clubs in their area.

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