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Dr. James Grace

James B. Grace, Ph.D.


James B. Grace, Ph.D. 1980. Michigan State University. Complex systems analysis and modeling.

Grace's efforts emphasize the study of complex interrelationships in natural systems. This focus has grown out of the recognition that the study of systems (as opposed to individual processes) requires methods that are quite different from the time-honored procedures recommended for statistical analyses (such as ANOVA and multiple regression). In brief, if we are to understand and predict the behavior of systems, we need to develop and evaluate multivariate hypotheses. One approach to the evaluation of multivariate hypotheses involves the use of structural equation modeling (SEM).

While SEM holds great promise for the study of natural systems, there are a number of capabilities of the method that are currently underdeveloped. Grace and his collaborators have been working on several fronts to advance the capabilities and use of SEM, including (1) develop procedures for including complex variables in structural equation models, (2) develop meta-modeling techniques for generalizing SEM results. (3) integrate the Markov chain Monte Carlo procedures using in modern Bayesian analysis into SEM, and (4) to collaborate with a great number of researchers so as to expand the utility of SEM for the natural sciences.

The list of publications below gives an indication of the range of applications we have found for SEM so far. In addition to developing methodologies, topics of current emphasis include global climate change effects, especially the effects of sea level rise on coastal marshes (, and on restoration of the Great Basin, working collaboratively with the SageSTEP group (

Select Publications:

The following is only a list of recent publications (plus books published previously). For a complete list of publications, see Grace Publication List (PDF, 54 KB). For assistance with obtaining reprints, please contact the NWRC Library.

Books Published Previously:

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