- Review List 398: 47 names, Released July 16, 2008
- Review List 397: 74 names, Released February 20, 2008
- Review List 396: 77 names, Released October 31, 2007
- Review List 395: 58 names, Released July 17, 2007
- Review List 394: 64 names, Released March 7, 2007
- Review List 393: 63 names, Released October 31, 2006
- Review List 392: 134 names, Released June 27, 2006
- Review List 391: 59
names, Released February 6, 2006
- Review
List 390: 76 names, Released October 3, 2005
Effective August 1, 2005, at the request of numerous users, the Board has
reversed its usage of the two terms Docket and Review
List. The term Quarterly Review List will now
refer to the list of new proposals released once a quarter for
initial review and consideration, while the term Monthly
Docket will refer
to the names presented to the Board for a vote at each meeting.
- Quarterly Review List
389: 38 names, Released June 1, 2005
- Quarterly Review List 388: 58 names, Released
March 8, 2005
- Quarterly Review List 387: 71 names, Released
October 18, 2004
- Quarterly Review List 386: 66 names, Released
June 15, 2004
- Quarterly Review List 385: 77 names, Released
February 18, 2004
- Quarterly Review List 384: 73 names, Released
October 7, 2003
- Quarterly Review List 383: 45 names, Released
May 13, 2003
- Quarterly Review List 382: 75 names, Released
January 1, 2003
- Quarterly Review List 381: 63 names, Released
September 26, 2002