Nearshore vertebrate predator, sea otter

The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS) Trustee Council selected the Nearshore Vertebrate Predator Project as one of three ecosystem studies adopted under the 1994 EVOS Restoration Plan. This multi-project, multi-species study was designed to assess whether or not populations are recovering, whether isolated processes constrain recovery, and the potential activities to facilitate recovery. USGS serves as the lead trustee agency for this proposed $6.8 million, 4-year study: "The Mechanism of Impact and Potential Recovery of Nearshore Vertebrate Predators."

Nearshore Vertebrate Predators, the Sea Otter, the Harlequin Duck, the River Otter, and the Pigeon Guillemot, ...why chosen?

Study Area
Western Prince William Sound, Alaska and the Study Sites investigated.

Recovery Monitoring and possible Factors Constraining Recovery.

Who's Involved?

Related Web Pages

Oil Spill Information Center
Information on the Trustees Council, and how to obtain Oil Spill Reports.

Sound Ecosystem Assessment (SEA)
Investigating factors affecting recovery of pink salmon and herring in Prince William Sound.

Security access to the ftp server for NVP Principal Investigators

For Further Information or Comments Contact:
James Bodkin
1011 E. Tudor Rd.
Anchorage, Ak. 99503
Jim's home page

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Last Reviewed: March 26, 2003