Resources on Crime & Victimization


A Policymaker's Guide to Hate Crimes NCJ 162304
Battered Child Syndrome: Investigating Physical Abuse and Homicide NCJ 161406
Burn Injuries in Child Abuse NCJ 162424
Child Neglect and Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy NCJ 161841
Child Sexual Molestation: Research Issues NCJ 163390
Child Victimizers: Violent Offenders and Their Victims NCJ 153258
Community Crisis Response Fact Sheet FS 148
Court Appointed Special Advocates: A Voice for Abused and Neglected Children

in Court

NCJ 164512
Crime of Stalking: How Big is the Problem (NIJ) FS 186
Criminal Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse NCJ 162426
Criminal Victimization 1994 NCJ 162126
Cycle of Violence Revisited FS 136
Diagnostic Imaging of Child Abuse NCJ 161235
Domestic and Sexual Violence Data Collection: A Report to Congress under the Violence Against Women Act NCJ 161405
Domestic Violence and Stalking: The Second Annual Report to Congress under the Violence Against Women Act NCJ 166377
Extent and Costs of Crime Victimization: A New Look FS 131
Female Victims of Violent Crime NCJ 162602
Fraud Victimization: The Extent, the Targets, the Effects FS 75
Guidelines for Victim Sensitive Victim Offender Mediation NCJ 167240
In the Wake of Childhood Maltreatment NCJ 165257
Interviewing Child Witnesses and Victims of Sexual Abuse NCJ 161623
Law Enforcement Response to Child Abuse NCJ 162425
Obstacles to the Recovery and Return of Parentally Abducted Children NCJ 143458
Partner Violence Among Young Adults FS 167
Photodocumentation in the Investigation of Child Abuse NCJ 160939
Prevalence and Consequences of Child Victimization FS 179
Recognizing When a Child's Injury or Illness Is Caused by Abuse NCJ 160938
Regional Seminar Series on Developing and Implementing Antistalking Codes NCJ 156836
Restitution Reform: The Coordinated Interagency Approach: A Bulletin (OVC) NCJ 166603
Sex Offenses and Offenders: An Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault NCJ 163392
Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Child Sexual Abuse NCJ 160940
State Crime Victim Compensation and Assistance Grant Programs Fact Sheet FS 80
Understanding and Investigating Child Sexual Exploitation NCJ 162427
Victim Assistance Programs: Whom They Service, What They Offer FS 84
Victim Rights' Compliance Efforts in Three States NCJ 167241
Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse: Later Criminal Consequences NCJ 151525
Violence Against Women: Estimates from the Redesigned Survey NCJ 154348
VOCA: Helping Victims of Child Abuse FS 9526
What You Can Do If You Are a Victim of Crime FS 176



Death Notification: Breaking the Bad News with Concern for the Professional and Compassion for the Survivor -- A Seminar for Medical Professionals NCJ 162361
Death Notification: Breaking the Bad News with Concern for the Professional and Compassion for the Survivor -- A Seminar for Law Enforcement NCJ 162363
Death Notification: Breaking the Bad News with Concern for the Professional and Compassion for the Survivor -- A Seminar for Clergy and Funeral Directors NCJ 162362
Death Notification: Breaking the Bad News with Concern for the Professional and Compassion for the Survivor -- A Seminar for Crime Victim Advocates NCJ 162360
HIV/AIDS and Victim Services: A Critical Concern for the 90's NCJ 161415
Improving the Police Response to Domestic Elder Abuse (Instructor) NCJ 147558
Improving the Police Response to Domestic Elder Abuse (Participant) NCJ 148831
National Bias Crimes Training for Law Enforcement and Victim Assistance

Professionals (Instructor)

NCJ 155130
National Bias Crimes Training for Law Enforcement and Victim Assistance

Professionals (Participant)

NCJ 155179
Victim Empowerment -- Bridging the Systems -- Mental Health and Victim Service Providers (Trainer's Guide) NCJ 161862
Victim Empowerment -- Bridging the Systems -- Mental Health and Victim Service Providers (Student Material) NCJ 163173


After the Robbery: Crisis to Resolution (Financial Institutions) NCJ 162842
Crime Victim Compensation: A Good Place to Start NCJ 162359
Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Crime Victims NCJ 167235

To order up to 5 reference documents free of charge from the U.S. Department of Justice, either call the Office for Victims of Crime Resource Center at (800) 627-6872, or write to: NCJRS, User Services, Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000. Orders of 6 or more documents will be assessed shipping and handling charges (excluding federal government agencies). To become a registered user of NCJRS, please call the above toll-free number and request an NCJRS registration form.

Note that many of the documents listed above are available online from the NCJRS/Justice Information Center homepage at <>.

This document was last updated on May 29, 2008