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September 2008 Water-Conditions Statement

    Surface-Water     Ground-Water     Reservoir     Special Note

Surface-Water Conditions

Surface-water flows at the end of September 2008 were generally designated as much above normal (the monthly average streamflow is equal or greater than 90 percent of the monthly average streamflows for this same month) in most river basins in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. This assessment is based on the USGS WaterWatch Current water resources conditions map of monthly-average streamflow for the month of year for 60 near real-time streamflow-gaging stations with 30 or more years of record in Massachusetts and 15 near-real-time streamflow-gaging stations with 30 or more years of record in Rhode Island, respectively. General surface-water conditions in Massachusetts and Rhode Island by State-designated drought regions are shown in the table 1 and table 2. Surface-water conditions for individual streamflow-gaging stations may differ from conditions shown for a region in tables 1 and 2.

Duration hydrographs that show general streamflow trends over the past two years for selected streamflow-gaging stations with 20 or more years of record are shown in each of the six Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (MADCR) Drought Management Task Force Regions. Each region includes one to five streamflow-gaging stations.

Duration hydrograph   Cape and Islands





Duration hydrographs that show general streamflow trends over the past two years for selected streamflow-gaging stations with 20 or more years of record are shown in five of seven Rhode Island Water Resources Board (RIWRB) Drought Regions. Each of the five regions includes one to four streamflow-gaging stations. No streamflow-gaging stations are operated in the Eastern and New Shoreham regions.

Duration hydrograph   Northwest


Central West
Central East



Ground-Water Conditions

Ground-water levels at the end of September were generally designated as above normal (the monthly water level is equal or greater than 76 percent of the monthly water levels for this same month) in northern Rhode Island and most of Massachusetts. Ground-water levels were generally designated as normal (between highest and lowest 25 percent of levels for September) for southern and eastern Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts, including Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, and Nantucket. This assessment is based on the USGS Ground-Water Watch Climate Response Network for 89 wells in Massachusetts and 37 wells in Rhode Island. General ground-water conditions in Massachusetts and Rhode Island by State- designated drought regions are shown in table 1 and table 2. Ground-water conditions for individual wells may differ from conditions shown for a region in tables 1 and 2.

New record-high ground-water levels for the month of September were measured in 10 wells in Massachusetts and two wells in Rhode Island. No other record-high ground-water levels were measured in any other wells in Massachusetts and Rhode Island during the month of September. This assessment is based on the evaluation of 121 wells with 10 or more years of record.

For users of USGS Open-File Report 80-1205, Probable High Ground-Water Levels in Massachusetts, the OWc value is shown in the "Most Recent Measurement" column in the Climate Response Network. To obtain topographic setting, lithology, OWr and OWmax values for estimating depth to probable high ground-water level, select Well Characteristics on the Ground-Water-Data Web page.

Hydrographs that show general ground-water- level trends over the last year and for the period of record for selected ground-water-monitoring stations in each of the six MADCR Drought Management Task Force Regions are provided. Each region includes one to five ground-water monitoring stations.

Hydrograph   Cape and Islands





Hydrographs that show general ground-water- level trends over the last year and for the period of record for selected ground-water-monitoring stations in each of the seven RIWRB Drought Regions are provided. Each region includes one to five near-real-time ground-water monitoring stations.

Hydrograph   Northwest


Central West

Central East


New Shoreham


Reservoir Conditions

Borden Brook/Cobble Mountain, Quabbin and Scituate Reservoirs were 90-, 95-, and 81-percent full, respectively, at the end of September. In comparison, Borden Brook/Cobble Mountain, Quabbin, and Scituate Reservoirs were 90-, 96- and 84-percent full, respectively, at the end of August.

The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Water Supply Protection, provides reservoir figures for Borden Brook/Cobble Mountain Reservoirs and Quabbin Reservoir. The Providence Water Supply Board provides reservoir figures for Scituate Reservoir.

Special Note

Starting in September 2008, the monthly hydrologic conditions report for Massachusetts and Rhode Island is changing formats to optimize use of USGS real-time surface-water and ground-water data and database-generated conditions maps and graphs. The new format includes extensive use of USGS ground-water and surface-water databases to display and provide data from which monthly surface-water and ground-water hydrologic conditions are determined.

Monthly surface-water conditions and supporting data are provided by the USGS NWISWeb. The NWISWeb includes pages such as the WaterWatch Current Water Resources Conditions maps, real-time streamflow data, and duration hydrographs (28-day average streamflow) and other data for streamflow-gaging stations across the United States. Monthly surface-water conditions maps for Massachusetts and Rhode Island are shown on individual state maps rather than on a single map in the previous report format.

Monthly ground-water conditions and supporting data are provided by the USGS Climate Response Network (CRN) from NWISWeb. The CRN displays real-time and monthly ground-water level measurements, provides ground-water level conditions maps and hydrographs from which areal conditions are determined, and provides access to USGS databases with user-selectable time periods and graphical or tabular data display methods. Monthly ground-water conditions maps for Massachusetts and Rhode Island are shown on individual state maps rather than on a single map in the previous report format.

The monthly water conditions statement describing ground-water and surface-water conditions and reservoir contents at three reservoirs in Massachusetts and Rhode Island will continue to be published.

Monthly Water-Conditions Statements




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Page Last Modified: October 17, 2008