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Cost Recovery Fee Schedule for the Public


In September 2007, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) published a cost recovery schedule (effective August 1, 2007) which revised BLM fees charged for research/search services provided to the public. Specifically, the new fee schedule updated the research and search rates to match the latest DOI FOIA search fees (43 CFR Part 2, Appendix C).   The schedule adjusted cost recovery fees to take into account cost increases since the previous fee schedule. 

Background: The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130 permits Federal agencies to collect the actual costs for providing copies of information to the public. Consistent with OMB guidance, the BLM has traditionally sold copies of records and information to members of the public. 

Cost Recovery Fee Schedule for the Public 
(Effective August 1, 2007)

Standard copies (All paper copies, sized as indicated, reproduced on a copy machine or computer printer)

  • Rate = $ 0.13 per page or $0.26 for double-sided for 8.5 x 11 up to 11 x 17 

Color copies  (All paper copies reproduced on a color copier or color computer printer)

  • Rate = $0.90 per page for 8.5 x 11
  • Rate = $1.50 per page for 8.5 x 14 up to 11 x 17     

Non-Standard copies (Any size larger than standard copies (e.g., copies from 2510, 2520 or3001 sheet feed copier))

  • Rate = $2.75 per page

Xerox 2080, 510 DP or equivalent (Paper copies produced on 24” or 36” roll feed paper)

  • Rate = $4.20 per page

Fiche copies (All paper copies produced from micrographics reader/printer)

  • Rate = $1.10 per page

Microfilm and Aperture Card copies (All paper copies produced from micrographics reader/printer)

  • Rate = $1.10 per page

Fax Transmissions (Documents sent via fax machine; no charge for cover page)

  • Rate = $1.10 per page (plus research time and duplication fee)

Research/Search (Total time taken to locate a record when such time exceeds 15 minutes; rates subject to change based on current pay scale. Tasks include automated data compilation, manipulation, or searching. No charge applies if staff is assisting the public in these tasks.  No charge applies if the staff's search time is less than ¼ hour.)

  • Rate = $5.35 per quarter hour for Clerical Staff (GS-1 through GS-7)
  • Rate = $9.30 per quarter hour for Professional Staff (GS-8 through GS-12)
  • Rate = $13.50 per quarter hour for Managerial Staff (GS-13 and above)

Patents (Paper copy of patent from bound volume)

  • Rate = $15 per patent

Sales Lists (Oil and Gas, Geothermal, Available Noncompetitive Lands)

  • Rate = $5 for up to 250 pages, $10 for over 250 pages

Results Lists (Oil and Gas, Geothermal, Available Competitive &Noncompetitive Lands)

  • Rate = Free for one page, $5 for more than one page      

Fee Waiver (Offices may waive up to $3 in cost recovery fees for requests received by mail, telephone, or fax. This waiver may be applied at the discretion of the local office.)

For additional rates and services, please contact the BLM-Alaska State Office Public Information Center.