USGS Lake Tahoe Data Clearinghouse U.S. Geological Survey Lake Tahoe Data Clearinghouse The National Map Geography Western Geographic Science Center

Background on the Lake Tahoe Initiative

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Lake Tahoe Presidential Forum
Actions to Protect Lake Tahoe

On Saturday, July 26, 1997, President Clinton and Vice President Gore traveled to Incline Village, Nevada, to host the Lake Tahoe Presidential Forum.

Prior to their visit, the Clinton Administration convened Lake Tahoe workshops on water quality, forest restoration, recreation and tourism, and transportation. From those workshops the President directed his administration to begin acting on specified recommendations.

This is a consolidated reference document for the commitments made by President Clinton and Vice President Gore at the conclusion of the Lake Tahoe Presidential Forum.

Recognizing the unique nature of Lake Tahoe and its surrounding basin, the President signed an footer image. executive order in July 1997 directing Federal agencies to establish a formal interagency partnership charged with assuring coordination and efficient management of Federal program projects and activities with the Lake Tahoe Basin. The Executive Order also calls for the development of a linked natural-resources database and a Geographic Information System (GIS) capability.

footer image. Lake Tahoe Executive Order

footer image. USGS press release October 29, 1997

footer image. Follow-up to the Presidential Forum

footer image. The Presidential Commitments Status Report


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