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Geochemical Landscapes

California Pilot Study

Subtask Contact: Martin Goldhaber

Task Objectives

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Task Objectives

The California transect pilot study is designed with two overall objectives. The first is to evaluate alternative sampling and analytical procedures in support of the national survey. The second is to undertake soil science studies that will further Bureau science goals (as well as adding to the Project's overall soil science expertise). To support project goals, this sub task will focus on assessing the ability of random versus stratified sampling designs (e.g. soil type, geologic map unit, and/or land use) to reproduce soil geochemical trends at various map scales. We will also determine the variability of pesticide and polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contents in soils as a function of spatial scale and soil depth. This organic geochemical study will help us to choose appropriate pesticide and PAH compounds to measure as well as providing background for the interpretation of the national-scale organic data. The topical studies will generally focus on geologic, climatic, and anthropogenic controls on soil composition. We will document soil composition for the same rock type in multiple climate zones. We will in part focus on the behavior of chromium (Cr) during weathering from mafic rocks. This last study is motivated by potential carcinogenic behavior of Cr and the existence of several bands of Cr-rich rocks that cross the study area. The organic geochemical portion of the research will be expanded to research processes of pesticide and PAH alteration in soil profiles.

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