Title: National Crime Victim Service Awards 2001: Honoring Those Who Bring Honor To Victims Series: Solicitation Announcement and Nomination Form Author: Office for Victims of Crime Published: April 2000 Subject: Victims of Crime, Victim Services, Victims--general 6 pages 7,420 bytes ---------------------------- Figures, charts, forms, and tables are not included in this ASCII plain-text file. To view this document in its entirety, download the Adobe Acrobat graphic file available from this Web site or order a print copy from Office for Victims of Crime Resource Center at 800-627-6872. ---------------------------- Significance of the National Crime Victim Service Awards As the discipline of crime victim services has grown over the years, so has the number of remarkable individuals and organizations that significantly contribute to its success. Today, the field includes countless people and programs that, through vision, action, and leadership, improve the lives of victims in the aftermath of crime. Each year, through the prestigious National Crime Victim Service Awards, the President and Attorney General honor extraordinary programs and individuals who provide services to victims of crime. The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) within the U.S. Department of Justice coordinates the submission of nominations for programs and individuals whose work has been particularly innovative and pioneering, and who exemplify the long-term commitment that characterizes many of our Nation's victim service providers, some of whom are themselves victims of crime. The award-winning nominees will be honored at a special ceremony held during National Crime Victims' Rights Week. Biographies and accomplishments of former award recipients can be found on OVC's Home Page at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/. About the Office for Victims of Crime OVC was created in 1984 and formally established by a 1988 amendment to the Victims of Crime Act of 1984 to support services for crime victims and training and technical assistance for the field and to advocate for the fair treatment of victims. For more information about OVC, call the OVC Resource Center at 1-800-627-6872, or visit the OVC Home Page. Nomination Submission Guidelines 1. Each nomination form must be accompanied by a nomination letter. If you, the nominator, are affiliated with an organization, your nomination letter should be submitted on official stationery and contain your signature, as well as your position/title. No anonymous nominations will be accepted. 2. Each form must include the nominee's full name, date of birth, Social Security number, address, telephone number, and signature. If you are nominating an organization, provide the name, date of birth, and Social Security number of the individual who would accept the award. 3. Your nomination letter should not exceed two single-spaced, single-sided, letter-sized (8 «" x 11") pages. It should provide as much as you know about your nominee's accomplishments and services in support of crime victims. The nomination letter should address each of the following questions: o What activities has the nominee accomplished on behalf of crime victims? o How long has the individual or program been serving victims of crime? o If the nominee is a paid professional working with crime victims, how may his or her contributions qualify as "beyond the call of duty"? o What is the impact of the nominee's service or program on the community or other jurisdictions? o How have the actions of the nominee influenced attitudes, policies, or practices in victim services? 4. Please provide any additional information about the individual or program you are nominating that should be considered in the review process. Supporting documentation, such as newspaper articles or resumes, can be attached if it is pertinent to the nominee's contributions. Please note: videos, bound publications, and notebooks should not be submitted. Only supporting documentation submitted with the nomination form will be accepted. 5. The entire nomination package, including supplemental information and letters of support, may not exceed 10 single-spaced, singled-sided, letter-sized pages. Nominations exceeding this limit will not be considered. 6. Please provide an original and four copies of the entire nomination package. Eligibility Guidelines 1. You may nominate one or more worthy candidates, including o Individuals o Programs o A network or coalition of individuals and/or programs 2. Nominees can represent Federal, State, local, or tribal professionals and volunteers in both direct victim services and allied professions. 3. Candidates nominated, but not selected, in previous years are also eligible for consideration. 4. Elected officials are not eligible for consideration. Deadlines for Submitting Nominations Your nomination form and supporting materials must be received no later than September 29, 2000. Your nomination package should be mailed to Office for Victims of Crime Attention: National Crime Victims' Rights Week Committee 810 Seventh Street NW. Washington, DC 20531 Any Questions? If you have any questions about the National Crime Victim Service Awards nomination or selection processes, please contact Yvonne Jones at 202-307-5983. The OVC fax number is 202-514-6383 or 202-305-2440. ---------------------------- Solicitation Announcement The Office for Victims of Crime invites you to submit a nomination for the National Crime Victim Service Award, the highest Federal honor for victim advocacy. In making your nomination, we encourage you to recognize programs and individuals who have made significant contributions to the crime victims field. Recipients of the awards will be honored in Washington, D.C., during National Crime Victims' Rights Week. "I am so very proud to present this award to these men and women who have devoted their lives to making a difference--to making positive change--for the benefit of others." -- Attorney General Janet Reno ---------------------------- Nominee Information If you are nominating an organization or program, please provide the name, date of birth, and Social Security number of the individual who would accept the award on behalf of that organization or program. Individual's Name o Individual o Organization/Program Mailing Address o City o State o ZIP Code Telephone Number Fax Number Date of Birth: o Month o Day o Year Social Security Number The nominee must sign below. Otherwise, the nomination will not be accepted for consideration. The signature authorizes the Office for Victims of Crime, within the U.S. Department of Justice, to conduct a criminal background check. Signature of Nominee If nominee is an organization or program, signature of individual authorized to accept award. ---------------------------- Nominator Information Name Title (if applicable) Mailing Address o City o State o ZIP Code Telephone Number Fax Number The Office for Victims of Crime makes every effort to reach out to diverse communities. Supplying the following information is optional. Race Gender Ethnicity Disability Primary area of service: o Urban o Rural o Tribal To the best of my knowledge, all of the information contained in this application is true and correct. Signature of Nominator