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The Golden Month

MODIS V003 data (otherwise known as the Golden Month) are no longer available publicly through the EDG, but are available upon request by contacting LP DAAC User Services.

As part of a MODIS policy for maintaining a record of multiple versions of the land products produced over time, the science team agreed to save a "Golden Month" for all collections starting with Version 3 (V003).

September 2002 has been nominally identified as the Golden Month, and actually includes 40 days of data from August 29 through October 7 (2002241 to 2002280). The reasons for choosing this "month" follow:

  1. Both Aqua and Terra data are available.
  2. Terra V003, Terra V004, and Aqua V003 products are available.
  3. Aqua's safe-hold incident at the end of July is avoided.
  4. The end of the Northern Hemisphere growing season is included.
  5. The period contains the fall equinox, so both hemispheres are fully illuminated.
  6. Two full 16-day periods (2002241 to 2002272) are included.
  7. All 8-day periods overlapping September 2002 are included.

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Last Update: Wednesday, October 25, 2006
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