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Mineral Resources Program

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Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)

The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) was enacted to hold Federal agencies accountable for achieving program results; to improve internal management, program effectiveness, public accountability, and delivery of services; and to provide information on program effectiveness and efficiency.

Mineral Resources Program Annual GPRA Measures include:

  • Maintenance of four long-term data collections (National Geochemical Database; National Geophysical Database; Mineral Resource Data System; Automated Mineral Inventory System) by counting the percent of U.S. surface area with geologic data coverage, the number of gigabytes each year, and the cumulative gigabytes managed
  • Delivery of systematic analyses and investigations, each of which is the end result of a multi-year project supported by MRP
  • Offering formal workshops or training for MRP customers

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Page Last Modified: 18-Oct-2007@15:11