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Detailed project information for
Study Plan Number 02048-01

Branch : Aquatic Ecology Branch
Study Plan Number : 02048-01
Study Title : Relations between watershed, riparian, and instream habitat and their influence on fish assemblage structure in the Opequon Creek drainage basin, West Virginia (USA)
Starting Date :
Completion Date :
Principal Investigator(s) : Snyder, Craig; Villella, Rita; Young, John A.
Primary PI : Snyder, Craig
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SIS Number : 5002137
Primary Program Element : Ecosystems
Second Program Element : Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Status : Completed
Abstract : Increasing human populations and subsequent changes in land and water use are primary threats to freshwater habitats. Overall, the number of fish species and subspecies in North America requiring special management due to these threats has increased 45% during the past ten years. Most of the declines have been attributed to human factors including over-fishing, habitat changes, pollution and introductions of non-indigenous species. Spatial dynamics of riverine species are determined by relationships among numerous instream, riparian, and watershed processes. However, linkages among these elements and their relative and cumulative effects on stream communities are poorly understood. Furthermore, these processes may operate at different spatial scales, further complicating management efforts. Understanding the relations among these elements is vital for resource managers to accurately predict and effectively mitigate human-induced disturbances over large spatial scales.
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U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey
11700 Leetown Road, Kearneysville, WV 25430, USA
Last Modified: October 21, 2002 dwn
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