USGS Water Resources Information

Summary of Flood of May 17, 1995

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Bear Creek near Marcelline, Il
Big Muddy River at Murphysboro, Il Big Muddy River at Plumfield, Il
Big Muddy River near Mt. Vernon, Il Bonpas Creek at Browns, Il
Cache River at Forman, Il Cahokia Creek at Edwardsville, Il
Casey Fork at Mount Vernon, Il Crooked Creek near Hoffman, Il
East Fork Kaskaskia River near Sandoval, Il East Fork Shoal Creek near Coffeen, Il
Edwards River near New Boston, Il Illinois River at Henry, Il
Illinois River at Kingston Mines, Il Illinois River at Valley City, Il
Indian Creek at Wanda, Il Kaskaskia River at Carlyle, Il
Kaskaskia River at Chesterville, Il Kaskaskia River at Cooks Mills, Il
Kaskaskia River at Vandalia, Il Kaskaskia River near Venedy Station, Il
La Moine River at Colmar, Il La Moine River at Ripley, Il
Lake Fork at Atwood, Il Lake Fork near Cornland, Il
Little Crooked Creek near New Minden, Il Little Wabash River below Clay City, Il
Little Wabash River near Effingham, Il Macoupin Creek near Kane, Il
N Fk Mauvaise Terre Cr nr Jacksonville, Il Rayse Creek near Waltonville, Il
Richland Creek near Hecker, Il Salt Creek near Greenview, Il
Salt Creek near Rowell, Il Sangamon River at Riverton, Il
Sangamon River at Rt 48 at Decatur, Il Sangamon River near Oakford, Il
Shoal Creek near Breese, Il Silver Creek near Freeburg, Il
Silver Creek near Troy, Il Skillet Fork at Wayne City, Il
South Fork Sangamon River near Rochester, Il Spoon River at Seville, Il
Spring Creek at Springfield, Il Whitley Creek near Allenville, Il

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