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Rocky Mountain Mapping Center

Exploring Earthquakes Table of Contents | Physical Geography Working Group | The Virtual Geography Department

Module Overview

Through this module, students will have the opportunity to:

1. Download real-time data earthquake data (location, depth, magnitude) from the Internet.

2. Load the earthquake data into a Geographic Information System package (ArcView is the one selected for this module).

3. Examine the pattern of epicenters by mapping the earthquake data, along with cities, fault lines, and plate boundaries.

4. Answer a series of questions on risk assessment and why people live in hazardous areas, plate tectonics, and human impacts.


National Geography Standards Supported:

On to the Supporting Materials -OR- Return to the Table of Contents

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
Rocky Mountain Mapping Center
URL: /outreach/quakegis/overview.html
Last modified:16:47:06Fri11Feb2000