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Exploring Earthquakes Table of Contents | Physical Geography Working Group | The Virtual Geography Department

Facts of Publication -- Exploring Earthquakes with the Internet and a Geographic Information System

Name of Module:Exploring Earthquakes Using the Internet and a GIS

Type of Module: Class Exercise

Module Begins at URL: equake.html

URLs of Subsequent Files:


key words used in Index: earthquake, geographic information systems, natural hazards.

Index Words: earthquake, geographic information systems, natural hazards, risk assessment.

Recommended prerequisite modules:

Recommended subsequent modules:

Author's name: Joseph J. Kerski

Author's e-mail:

Contributors to this module:

Working Group affiliation and contacts:Physical Geography.

Creation Date of Module: 6-06-1997

Revision history:

Return to the Table of Contents for Exploring Earthquakes with the Internet and GIS.

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
Rocky Mountain Mapping Center
URL: /outreach/quakegis/eq_fop.html
Last modified:16:46:06Fri11Feb2000