Resolutions and Downloading
Each image is available to download in the following resolution choices:
- 100 dots per inch (dpi) thumbnail-resolution GIF files
- 700 dpi medium-resolution JPG file
- 1400 dpi high-resolution JPG
- 1600+ dpi full-resolution JPG file
The original photograph, slide, or negative is scanned at 600 dpi, and is then optimized and formatted within Photoshop CS2. This allows for the creation of multi-resolution options without losing any detail within the photograph. All images can be viewed solely, without the caption or the website header and footer by clicking on the image file link located below the caption.
To access the resolution options:
- After completing a search, the first images to appear are 100 dpi thumbnail-resolution GIF files.
- Left-clicking on the GIF thumbnail image will open the 700 dpi medium-resolution JPG file of the same photograph.
- Left-clicking on the JPG medium resolution image will open the 1400 dpi high-resolution JPG file of the same photograph.
- Left-clicking on the 1400 dpi high-resolution file will access the full resolution image of the same photograph.
These digital images vary in size from a few hundred kilobytes (kb) to 12 or more megabytes (mb) in a JPG format. For faster downloading results, we suggest using a high speed internet connection.
To download an image:
- Select the image and resolution desired
- Right-click anywhere within the image
- Choose a location on your computer and save
To download a caption:
- Select the image
- Highlight the caption by left-clicking and dragging the mouse over the text
- Right-click anywhere on the highlighted text and select COPY
- Select location to paste the text, such as a word document or text
- Right-click onto the new document and select PASTE
- Identify and save this file onto your computer
For questions regarding resolution options, image or caption downloading, or scanning processes, please contact Colleen E. Allen at (303) 236-1010 or ceallen@usgs.gov.