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Open-File Report 2008-1113

Publications Warehouse OFR 2008-1113

Analysis of Pulsed Flow Modification Alternatives, Lower Missouri River, 2005

By Robert B. Jacobson

OFR 2008-1113 Contents | Citation


The graphical, tabular, and statistical data presented in this report resulted from analysis of alternative flow regime designs considered by a group of Missouri River managers, stakeholders, and scientists during the summer of 2005. This plenary group was charged with designing a flow regime with increased spring flow pulses to support reproduction and survival of the endangered pallid sturgeon. Environmental flow components extracted from the reference natural flow regime were used to design and assess performance of alternative flow regimes. The analysis is based on modeled flow releases from Gavins Point Dam (near Yankton, South Dakota) for nine design alternatives and two reference scenarios; the reference scenarios are the run-of-the-river and the water-control plan implemented in 2004. The alternative designs were developed by the plenary group with the goal of providing pulsed spring flows, while retaining traditional social and economic uses of the river.

Posted March 2008

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Purpose and Scope



Visualization of Model Results

Extracting Flow Pulses

Graphical and Statistical Analysis of Pulsed Flow Modification Alternatives



References Cited


Jacobson, R.B., 2008, Analysis of pulsed flow modification alternatives, Lower Missouri River, 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008–1113, 14 p.

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